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Where does Nixon live?  Because he's awesometastic!  And I want to know if he's close to reunions and such.
Where does Nixon live?  Because he's awesometastic!  And I want to know if he's close to reunions and such.
-I live in PA, near the Reading area, near the Philly area, so yeah
PA :D  I've decided to stalk all CTYers and that includes Nixon so yea :D ~Yulia
PA :D  I've decided to stalk all CTYers and that includes Nixon so yea :D ~Yulia
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I never got to meet him either, I talked to him online for about 2/3 hours on superheros.  He seems pretty cool from that ~Yulia
I never got to meet him either, I talked to him online for about 2/3 hours on superheros.  He seems pretty cool from that ~Yulia
-there's an e before that s on the end of superheroes - Nixon

Revision as of 22:18, 7 September 2006

In Brief

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/TheNixon/LONDON/14%20April%202006/P1010014.jpg -Michael Nixon in 2006 (taken in the Tower of London)

Once a humble squirrel, Michael Andrew Nixon soon rose to become a sort of "rock god" amongst CTY. There is not a person he hasn't glanced at in a sexual manner, no female is immune to his incredible charm.

A frequent member of the Alcove, Nixon famously walked out because he had felt the Alcove become more factionalized and opposed this. He has openly expressed relief at its return to just being a group of fun people instead of a group who believe themselves chieftains of CTY.

Nixon also popularized the idea of "the Virus", a theory in which any male who has gone to CTY Lancaster for more than two years becomes inexplicably attracted to Asians. He is himself a victim of the Virus. He does not believe it a problem.


Nixon is linked to multiple traditions:

First, he became the second and last wearer of Tom Wilson's infamous duct tape suit, complete with hat and cane. The suit was lost by it's third wearer upon his failure to return to camp the following year. The cane, which was kept by Nixon, became the new totem of the Jesus tradition.

Secondly, he became the first man to hold the mantle of The Devil, a position given to him when the previous Alcove realized they had given all of the other jobs to other people. Nixon retroactively made his mentor, one Tom Wilson, the honorary predecessor to The Devil namesake.

Nixon also played the character Brad in the CTY traditional Rocky Horror picture show. He has only crossdressed on second Saturday once, in his second year.


Nixon himself in the duct tape suit, courtesy of Nixxi: (I look nothing like this anymore - Nixon)

His Final Act as a CTYer

Nixon's final act in CTY, at passionfruit, after leading the traditionally Jesus-led last supper the previous night, was kissing over twenty people, those who "had changed him". His speech was possibly one of the longest, Nixon, being afraid of public speaking, was visibly shaking by the end of it.


Michael Nixon was born on Feb 10, 1989. Many believe he will never die.

Nixon was introduced to lifelong influence The Sandman comics at CTY in his second year.

Nixon would frequently only eat the simplest meals available at the camp. This was because he has a genetic disorder in which acid eats away at his intestines in small, but noticable quantites. He only began to recieve treatment for this disease after his return home from camp in his last year.

He also has a vast knowledge of comics. Ask him about the BatFamily and the Crises.

After the second session of CTY Lancaster 2006, Nixon became interested in reunions far more than he originally was (having originally planned to leave and have that be the end of it.) He has encouraged anyone with knowledge of a reunion to contact him.

article sources

-written by Michael Nixon himself-

other opinions

please place your own thoughts here

Nixon is cool. -Will
--especially for speaking in third person

I was just trying to make it sound like a Wikiarticle...lol - Nixon

He prays on Asian girls. - Nixxi Oops. Didn't see you named it THE VIRUS (commented first and then read...)- Nixxi

Where does Nixon live? Because he's awesometastic! And I want to know if he's close to reunions and such. -I live in PA, near the Reading area, near the Philly area, so yeah

PA :D I've decided to stalk all CTYers and that includes Nixon so yea :D ~Yulia

I feel all bad now, cuz I never got to meet him. Was he really that awesome? I mean, he never met me. ~ Little Pickle Awww

Nixon is both awesome, frightening, and evil, and his grammar skills are at least good enough such that he would not have written the first seven words and punctuation of this sentence (of course, few people would make this mistake; Nixon, being a CTYer, probably has relatively superior grammatical skillz). -Max W.

I never got to meet him either, I talked to him online for about 2/3 hours on superheros. He seems pretty cool from that ~Yulia -there's an e before that s on the end of superheroes - Nixon