User:Backseat philosopher

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Revision as of 02:49, 16 August 2009 by Backseat philosopher (talk | contribs)
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Hi! I'm Haley B-E, AKA that-girl-with-the-purple-streak-in-her-hair, that-girl-with-the-duct-tape-flower-on-her-hat, Iran, or any other nickname you might see fit to call me (as long as it's not *too* mean). I entered the wonderful world that is CTY fairly late (14). My squirrel year (2008.2) was spent in the LMU International Politics class, and I met so many wonderful people and so much awesomeness happened that I couldn't just leave it at one year. My second year, I flying squirreled (is that a verb? It is now.) to Lancaster, where I spent the best three weeks of my life ostensibly learning about logic. I nearly got sent home for swine flu, but after two days of isolation and boredom, it turned out to be a particulary malignant cold. I also survived three weeks without dropping my spoon, and am still unsure whether I got Godblammoed for leaving midway through Passionfruit. I may be a nevermore, but I'm working on convincing my parents to let me come back in 2010. [EDIT] My parents decided to be awesome and I am indeed returning to Lancaster for my nomore year!

In 2009, I introduced my hall to Stanley, a rather creepy-looking fellow with no arms who was made in my home ec. class in eighth grade. He seemed to think the government was after him (his stomach even said "Help! The government is after me! Hide me in someone else's stuff!) and was known to hide in the rooms, bags, and pockets of my hall. He eventually migrated outside of my hall, and I currently have no idea as to his whereabouts. While I do not need him back, I'd be interested to know where he ended up. Anyone?