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Revision as of 23:36, 6 August 2010 by 2nitewepartay (talk | contribs) (I just wrote the whole thing)
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Okay, so my page is going to fail for one of two reasons:

    - I just drove back from Lancaster... eight hours. And I'm quite sleep-deprived.
    - I'm sleep-deprived, and I just drove eight hours...


First-off, I'm Elsie! My real name is Lydia Catherine Parr, but it bugs me sometimes... so I like going by my pen name. I am a very annoying thirteen-year-old-atheist/"feminist"/goalie/musician/fanfic writer/wanna-be-raver.

I have accounts everywhere, and I am always under this username. Except my twitter... which makes me sad. Also, feel free to AIM me, I'm just "lcparr."

The past!

    - Mount Holyoke, 2008, EXAM-A
    - Mount Holyoke, 2009, FLY-SCI (no idea... we called it that.)
    - Lancaster, 2010, INBS-B 


    - Yeah no.
    - I got the Schnade! 

What I love about Lancaster/ Lancaster aweswomeness:

    - I lose. Crap.
    - The alcove is actually not a clique!
    - The B-52's 
    - I brought a billion colors of duct tape to Lan, but my mom didn't let me bring anything but plain in. :[ I am remaking my old backpack, because I need a backpack. Hopefully I could get a plaid one if I get too lazy to do anything before school/summer.
    - GLOW! I love GLOW. GO TO GLOW. IT IS AMAZING! (NO ONE in my INBS-B class EVER went to GLOW, despite my attempts at forcing them to sign up *sigh.* As awesome as they were, I'm hoping that '11 will have kids willing to try GLOW :3)
    - ALL of the RAs
    - Raving. I'm teaching myself how to. It's sad. Teehee.
    - Apparently, all of the sleepovers I had in '10 were illegal. Hehe...
    - If I bring the bassoon, there will always be other bassoonists! I LOVE YOU IF YOU PLAY A WIND INSTRUMENT! OR IF YOU WIN AT LIFE!! LET'S RUN AWAY TO CALIFORNIA!
    - Oh, and on that note, I love the fact that Shae was the one who told us about the death of prop 8 the day after we discussed it in GLOW the day before.
    - I was legitimatly considering getting Sam Fomon's autograph. She wins at life. <3 But I didn't, because I nearly had a panic attack when she hugged me (let me hug her... still). 
    - I DEFINE fangirl. It IS a verb! (Shari -.-) If you are an amazing person and I feel confortable enough around I can talk forever... scratch that, I always can.
    - PHEOBE! Hey, it's you!
    - I often run up to people and complement their hair/make-up/mad skillage/XKCD pins/clothing/etc... sorry 'bout that.
    - I have mild attention deficit- OHHHHH SHINY! Yes... tvtropes. :3


Maria Holic (anime and manga), Spamalot/Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Hitchiker's, Wicked, Next to Normal, Hello, Dolly!, Chibi Vampire/Karin, Harry Potter, My Immortal, 13 the Musical, Liz Gillies, not being aware that you were taking the SATS while the test was occuring, going to a really preppy school, Jazz, Orchestra, Operas (La Boheme?), Dogs (especially basset hounds <3), Bassoon/Flute/Tenor Sax/Guitar (I'm not past just doing chords) (those are the ones I actually play on a regular basis), uh... I'll finish this later, okay?

Can I get my account deleted for being annoying on my own page?

Go watch "A Very Potter Musical." Right now. I need to sleep.