Logic: Principles of Reasoning

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Logic: Principles of Reasoning, commonly shortened to Logic, is a Humanities course in the CTY program with no prerequisites. Its course code is LOGC, and it is offered at Baltimore, Lancaster, Los Angeles, Saratoga Springs and Seattle. It was previously offered at Carlisle, Clinton, Kaneohe, Loudonville, San Rafael and Schenectady.

Course Description

Logic: PoR, as opposed to Mathematical Logic, is a humanities course, centering on logical reasoning applied to writing and arguments. The main activities of the class usually include reading and discussing philosophy, debating (sometimes against Philosophy of Mind classes), and writing argumentative essays, with the main emphasis on making arguments logical and strong. Students in this class are also introduced to formal logic, at a level roughly equivalent to a college freshman-level course.

Class History

The CTY Logic course was designed and first taught by the great and honorable Jonathan Cohen in 1985 at Dickinson, and from 1986 to 1988 at Franklin and Marshall.

The Logic textbook generally remains the same through the years and is known to use odd analogies:

  • "After taking LSD, Alice said she saw a flying saucer land in the parking lot of her local mall. Since Alice has a history of telling the truth, we can conclude that an alien spacecraft really did land in the parking lot."
  • "If there is nothing to fear but fear itself, then women should not fear serial rapists."
  • "On the evening of the fourth, Mr. Wilson went out onto the veranda to watch the fireworks go up in his pajamas. We therefore conclude that he had a very exciting evening."
  • "I saw you at that party the other night. Everyone there was doing crack. So tell me, how long have you been dealing?"
  • "Native Americans are disappearing. Ralph is a Native American. Therefore, Ralph is disappearing."
  • "So, how long have you been beating your wife for?"
  • "After high schools introduced SAT prep, SAT scores declined 10%. Therefore, we should eliminate high schools."
  • "If I cannot be killed by infinite ninjas, then I am alive after infinite ninjas killed me"
  • "If I open the door and bash this poor little kid's head in accidentally, should I go to jail?"

LOGC.B.LAN.07.2 says:

  • Intelligent design is a hamburger.
  • God doesn't have to exist to not play dice.
  • Kib's taters is holy.
  • We don't believe in evolution.
  • It's like finding ways to draw common sense.
  • It's a vicious lack of cycle.
  • Your mom's a fallacy!
  • Enough said about Professor Conway...


gossiped using formal logic while typing their dreaded opinion articles:

B ⊃ N/ B//N

F <3 L/L <3 E//F <3 E

(F <3 E) ⊃ (L ≡ JB)/F <3 E//L ≡ JB

[Note regarding validity of first statement: we proved that love is a transitive property (we being Emily, Larissa, and sort of Nixxi)]


Quotes the unimitatable TA Charles "LOOOGGIIC B!!!!!! LEEEEEEEEETT'S GOOOOOO"


Continues to quote Charles:
"Ain't no power like the power of logic, 'cause the power of logic don't stop!" (say what?)
"Ain't no power like the power of logic, 'cause the power of logic don't stop!" (can't hear you!)
"Ain't no power like the power of logic, 'cause the power of logic don't stop!" (oh baby!)
"Ain't no power like the power of logic, 'cause the power of logic don't stop!"


The Logic Instructor, Brian Talbot, is famed for his Logic call, used at handoffs. It is often imitated, but never duplicated: "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-(deep breath)-GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC!" Every year, the Logic class also holds debates with the Ethics class. Ethics usually wins.

JHU Sesh 1 '08

Logic A taught by Bill McGeehan is known for its suggestiveness : B horseshoe J, PMS, and all those perverted contraception in schools/eugenics debates. This class also had a really cool TA Kurt Pfund, whom we all called Mr Tumnus because of his uncanny resemblance to McAvoy


Taught by Jim Davis (no relation to the cartoonist) and TA'd by Dan — later the TA for SAR.09.1.LOGC —, featured such memorable moments as

  • Jim's divison of the class into the four Harry Potter houses.
  • a debate over evolution's status as a scientific theory where the jury determined that evolution was, in fact, not a scientific theory.
  • debates in groups with ETHC students first on capital punishment and then on human cloning (mostly uneventful), followed by a debate on the merits of pirates vs. ninjas.
  • among many others.


Jim Davis is the best logic teacher in the world. He is the same Jim Davis who put his class into Harry Potter houses and switched them periodically. Harry Potter houses are groups of 2-3 people that work together during logic problems, and earn points for their house.


This was taught by Dr. Bernardo "Scarface" Cantens and TA'd by Jacob "Hipster" Sparxx. Bern was a kind of awkward but a really fatherly guy so we all called him Dad starting the first day. He was new to CTY so we had to teach him about how the CTY classroom environment is different from his normal college classroom but he caught on quickly and was overall a fun/effective instructor. Sparxx, the TA, was basically the best TA ever. He always wore a straw hat he bought from some random woman in the mountains while hiking, jeans that were rolled up, and was basically the epitome of your typical hipster. Sparxx is known for being very profound for his age, sitting in strange positions, and being very good at yoga. As for the course, we learned a lot about evaluating arguments, differentiating between a valid and invalid argument, fallacies, different forms of logic, conditional and inductive proofs, and read from Hume the last week. The course material was overall very interesting and involved a LOT of philosophy. We also enjoyed listening to the words of the peculiar Gleb and watching Monty Python videos.

JHU.10.1. LOGC.A

Taught by Bill McGeehan and TA Kurt Pfund, the class kept up the tradition of not just learning LOGIC, but SUGGESTIVE logic. "F, or G? ...Orgy!" -Alexandra E. "No, YOU'RE a fallacy!" -Ryder Aside from being perverted all the time, this class happened to be musically talented. Disney's "The Lion King" soundtrack was a favorite. They even wrote a song and performed a song dedicated to Logic A, entitled "Hey Logic A," which made Bill teary-eyed and received whoops and hollers from the audience on the last day.


Bill McGeehan taught this class, with TA Linda Kang (AKA Snuffy, because she has a stuffed Snuffy doll and a Snuffy T-shirt.) Once again extremely suggestive, this session brought us such jewels as...

  • "Slave workers are often not paid..." -S.Kim
  • "Don't climb the tree..." -K.Heinlein
  • "Is that Leo...?" *SLAPS* -B. Mahadev, during break demonstrating independent eye movement
  • "I will be a mother someday soon." -L

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!?" -T "What? No! AHHHH!" *blushes* -conversation between TA Linda and T.King

  • "Here, have a peach and taste the orgasm!" -B.M
  • "I'm the Spartacus of BLAMMO!" -D.Galvez
  • "Camastres, Cesare, Darii, Ferio...uh, Cthulu?" *gets hit w/ paper balls* -A.Palacios
  • "Are you calling me a MUTANT!?" -T.King
  • "SNUFFY!!" -Everyone, upon seeing Kinda every day
  • "Aw, C'MON!!! Do I really? ...Grrr... Fine." *gets on ground* "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!" -Linda
  • "Caleb, stop throwing your sperm at Bella please." -B.M
  • *slams fist on table* "That's a FALLACY!!" -D.Galvez
  • "That's committing the fallacy of bull****." -T.King
  • "Andrew, be quiet or we'll stuff you in a box and ship you to Bangkok." -B.M
  • "Oh BABY!" -C.Zhu


Jacob 'Sparky' Sparks was the instructor and Joe Pulka aka Broseph, aka Jolka was the TA. They were both pretty awesome and let us listen to daft punk music in class. Brian and Jaya invented the I Theory. Our class was mostly squirrels of the ages of 12-13, but that did not stop us from being awesome. As it often happens when you put insane people in the same class (we pretty much all should've belonged in separate wards in a mental asylum), inside jokes ensued. Such as...

  • "So meta-ethics is infibulation?" -Cherian
  • "That's what the demon wants you to think!"

"Maybe you are the demon!" -Brian and Winston

  • Dictionary wars: Yiran, Winston, and a few special appearances by 'the brick.'
  • "SPLENDID!!!" -Abby
  • "My friend is offering ONE...sexy picture of her clutching Strawberry kiwi lemonade to her bosom in exchange for ONE...order of korean noodles!" -Jessie and Abby
  • "JOOOoOOOOOooOooooooOOOE!!" -Stephanie
  • "I had to urinate on it" -Jessie
  • "Clutch it! CLUTCH IT HARDER!" -Abby and Jessie
  • "More than half of the people on the family tree have love children, and most of those are incestuous!" -Abby
  • "Maybe your 'i' leaves your body and goes into the dream world at night!" *giggles all around the room* -Brian
  • "That's what the demon WANTS you to think." -Brian, again
  • "I really just wanna sit under this table right now..." -Sparky
  • "You are the bastard son of _____ himself!!" -Yiran, Stephanie, and Abby
  • "Where are my ko-re-an noodles!!" -Helen and Jessie
  • "She threatened to STAB ME WITH A KIVO KNIFE!!" -Abby
  • "Well, there's tater tots and chicken fingers and-" *guy in tight dress walks by* -Hema and Rebecca
  • "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Rebecca!" -Cherian
  • "So, it's, like, your inner I-ness..." -Jaya/human Jukebox (and so the I Theory was born...)
  • All hail the halo of communism and the egg of democracy!
  • "Joe got some serious girl action last night!" *Joe turns red**Sparky diverts attention* -Winston

Et cetera. Basically, this class was the best thing ever.


Taught by the wonderfully politically incorrect Bill McGeehan and TA-ed by Meica Magnani. Her ever-present aviators were constant accessories in the classroom. This was the summer Kim Young-Chan, illegitimate son of Kim Jong-Il, entered our lives. See the Hall of Fame for more details about Young Chan the Hungriest Man. Also present in this class were The Triumvirate (Dixon, Muggo, & Mett), Arlex, Kevin the Sex Man, and a Swede, among others. Orgies were constantly present, as were discussions racism, pornography, prostitution, abortion, and anti-Semites. Best class ever. We went on to effectively rule the campus.


For around 9 years the Ethics class was undefeated. That is, until 11.2, when Logic finally came out victorious in one of the most surprising upsets LMU CTY has ever seen.

SAR.12.1.LOGC (B)

This was an AWESOME class. Since there were an unusually large number of logic students, the class was divided into two classes: 'Logic A' and 'Logic B'. Logic B had the older kids, which meant we only had ten students , with Jim Davis and TA Matt Lutz, who by general consensus of the class was pretty much the most awesome TA ever. Logic A being sadly lacking in imagination, they kept their boring name of 'Logic A'. Logic B, however, being incredibly cool and imaginative, decided to rename the class 'The Fighting Mongeese', in reference to the Futurama ep. "The Farnsworth Parabox". There was also a call and response for our class: Jim would shout "FIGHTING MONGEESE!" and we would shout "AWOOOGAH!" back (it was very important that we say it as loudly as possible). The Fighting Mongeese had many adventures:

The Logic Dance! (Wedge! Horseshoe! Dot! Etc!)

At the ending ceremony for the class, every Fighting Mongoose who was there went down to the stage wearing a fake beard, and performed the Logic Dance.

The Board of Many Socrates: Emily Cambias started this, when she drew 'Gothrates' on the board when the class was reading Plato on Goth Day. A few days later, 'Hawkrates' and 'Spockrates' were added. This started the snowball rolling, and after a few days there were many, many Socrateses. Some notable ones were 'Ewokrates', 'Hammockrates', 'Rockrates', and 'Sockrates'. The defining characteristic of all of these drawings was that the object in question sported a beard.

"YOU'RE WRONG BECAUSE YOU'RE UGLY." This is a totally legitimate argument. "YELL AT THEM UNTIL THEY CRY. THEN YOU WIN." This is a totally legitimate debate strategy.

It was discovered that Mr. Matt had a beautiful singing voice, and he was often called upon to demonstrate with such classics as "The Bad Horse Song."

"Do you remember what my name is?" "Uhhhhh. . . Ernesto?" (It was not)

Watching Twelve Angry Men and also watching Henry Fonda's dreamy, dreamy eyes.

JHU.12.2.LOGC (B)

JHU's Session 2 Logic Class was taught by Beau Branson, with TA Quentin Fisher, also known as "that than which nothing greater can be conceived." Like SAR, JHU also had an unusually large amount of Logic students and as such was split into two classes, with B being the older students. Our class consisted of two Canadians, a South Korean, and a Spaniard, as well as an Arizona girl who owned no shorts. The students were: Ethan Mok, Anita Shieh, Richard Pei, Jaeyong Park, Grace Hua, Joe Shin, Kelvin Zhu, Emma Morgan, Daniel Matsumoto, Quinn Matos, Alexia Junker, Olivia Ireland, Dani Dafcik, and Katie Ippolito.

List of things:

  • No, no , NOOO. Of course he's not the boy's father. Look at the turn ups on his jeans!
  • "I have only written one sentence, this is a catastrophe!" "YOU'RE a catastrophe!"
  • 444444444444444 과학을 빌어 먹을! 444444444444444444444
  • Witha
  • $2.50 , good deal!
  • ....potato?
  • Katie's high-quality hugs
  • richard falling off a desk and faceplanting on the floor (twice)


This class was taught by Dan and TA'd by Peter. Oddly enough, the boy/girl ratio was off so there were five girls and ten boys. This did not stop everyone from socializing and generally being goofy. There were two organized debates at the end of the session over recreational marijuana and capitalism/socialism. From the class:

  • Trees are bad!
  • Cannibalism!
  • (various marijuana jokes)

-*There were plenty of alternative names used for marijuana, including but not limited to mujiwuji and mowwywowwy. Extra points for every word that wasn't "marijuana" were granted during the final debate, so serious (cough) research would be punctuated with random words like "mowwow".

  • One good memory was the complete and utter crushing of the Math Logic class in The Logic Game. The Logic Game was invented by Dan the Logic Teacher and the Math Logic teacher. It consists of lots of formal logic signs and resembles a board game, except all the markers are actually poker chips. The Logic class smashed the Math Logic class with a score of 58-27. The prize was two bags of Jolly Ranchers.
  • A game was invented during one of the class breaks- Tag Tog. It came into existence after some people were poking fun at a girl's (Reena's) British accent (falsely claiming that she pronounced "tag" as "tog"). The game was basically tag, but you could also "tog", which basically meant hitting people with a frisbee. This was probably the one and only time the entire class was up and running, as usually they spent their breaks doing separate things.
  • Once upon a boring evening session filled with proofs and refutations, someone (was it Josh?) was reading out bad pick up lines from his phone. Eventually the class went silent and he read out this gem:

Are you a soldier? Because my privates salute to you. The entire class went even more silent, and then burst out into laughter.

  • Matt had an obsession with taking a banana out of the cafeteria and walking to class with it after lunch. Reena kept whacking it out of his hands and letting it fall to the floor, where it started to split. It then became mushy and gross and Dan (the teacher, not the kid) would force him to throw it out. One time before evening session, Matt threw it at Wyatt's head, where it began to split. Wyatt picked it up and threw it back, leaving a puke-like stain on Matt's shirt. Matt threw away the old banana and went to the bathroom before class to clean himself up. When he returned he had somehow acquired a second banana. It is still unknown where he got it.
  • The banana shenanigans ended with Matt collecting a banana from everyone in the class after lunch and then stuffing all the bananas in Wyatt's luggage.


This class was taught by John and TA'd by Evan. Logic A spent most of the 3 weeks checking the validity of arguments and then if they were valid, using natural deduction to prove them valid(check). There were 11 students in total, 4 boys and 7 girls. The class was divided into 2 groups of 4 and one group of 3. This was for the evening sessions where we solved Logic Puzzles for points. The group that consisted of Carlene, Urie, Anshul (the self-appointed Champion of Scarsdale), and Victor (the champion of Scarsdale according to everyone else) won and chose to watch Mean Girls (although Anshul did not agree). We ended up watching Sherlock Holmes though, much to the disappointment of the females and Victor. Some of the most memorable moments:

-The scavenger hunt where there were mixed teams with Logic A and B kids. The team of Emily, Victor, Rachel, Tedward and another person won first

-Carlene's many best friends

-Evan's sad list

-*Proving an argument on the board* Evan: Annette, what comes next? Annette: *thinks for a while* NEXT COMES THE D! Carlene, Alissa start cracking up Evan: Can you please say that in a non-perverted way?

  • Annette realizes what she said and starts laughing and falls out of her chair*

John: Why don't you go outside and calm down, Annette.

- John writes argument on board: 1. All cats are dogs 2. All dogs are ugly c. All cats are ugly

- Anshul always put his used post its and looseleaf on the floor, and at the end of the session everyone BUT him cleaned up

Victor: ALL RACHELS ARE UGLY (Rachel is a cat in case you didn't know)

-Motis Penis (Ponens)....

- *Evan writes "All answers are random on the board" (Evan has really bad handwriting) Rachel: What's that word after are? Evan: It looks like condom doesn't it? Rachel: *nods* Evan: It's always you who comes up with this stuff isn't it?

  • whole class starts cracking up*
  • Emily's chair flips back and she gets thrown off of it*


- Carlene's can of frosting that she ate with a spoon and Andrew's goldfish that everyone stole

- "What's green and fuzzy and would hurt if it fell from a tree?" A pool table!!!!! -Carlene

- Victor's amazing frisbee skills

- The lengthy debates we had at break about Homosexuality when Andrew started quoting the bible

sexual remarks


Instructor: Andrew Higgins

TA: Joe

After being instructed not to call Andrew "Mr. Higgins" the question of whether he could be called "Captain" or "Captain Higgins" instead, these were the start of a series of names for Andrew, including "Higgins" and "Huggins". Additionally,despite his protest, Joe was totally a hipster and wore plaid every single day, except for lumberjack day. At one point, Mani Seeber dressed as and impersonated Joe. The class would also often come up with plans to try to mess with (mostly) Joe and (sometimes) Higgins on the walks back to class, these included circling the both of them with completely straight faces and walking (Joe ending up running), and running as fast as possible to class. Later, the class felt sorry for messing with Joe so much and in order to make it up, formed a plan to get as many cups of coffee from the dining hall as possible for Joe. Sadly, he didn't appreciate the gesture and made the students take back the coffee and drink it. Also, at some point, students (I don’t remember who specifically) came up with "~Z v G" Not Z or G (Nazi orgy), this later progressed into "~T v G" Not T or G (naughty orgy). The class proceeded to write it where ever they could, from scratching it into the pavement with a rock, to writing it on all the layers of the sliding whiteboards, despite Huggins' attempts to rid the room and class of ~T v Gs, they never fully disappeared. (~T v G was passed on to SAR 14.2 Logic B's class and kinda Logic A class (I think they used ~A v J at some point) and continued to plague Higgins). Also worth mentioning, "Touch Higgins' Arm Hair Day", nuff said and Neil Hooker (the most awesome person in the history of ever).


Instructor: Andrew

TA: Emeka ("like the holy city mecca with 'uh' in front")

After realizing that many of the things that their instructor and TA were saying were hilarious not only in context, but even more hilarious out of context, two students began logging many quotes in what would become known as "the quote book". Both Andrew and Emeka were aware of this and had both been recorded as saying something to the effect of "that better not end up in the quote book". Sadly, many of the things that would have made excellent quotes, were very audio/visual things and thus could not be recorded. Below are a few gems of the recorded phrases:

"All zebras are jewish"

"God is like the ice berg shaped like Chuck Norris on the surface of Nepune."

"I am hypothetically a horrible person!"

You don't understand? Let me explain with Japanese!

Shut the door. FALSE!

"Thank you, milk, for bringing us justice"

"Popcorn? You wanna popcorn? You wanna popcorn? Well TOO BAD!"

There are also many, many student quotes that were listed fantastically by students Tess Herdman and Daniel Mitrano.

Another important act by this class was the creation of a religion/cult centered around the class TA, Emeka. This religion was founded by student Daniel Mitrao, and was called "Emekanism", after teacher Andrew was discussing "a mechanism" for something, and the class saw the phrase's potential.The phrase "Praise Our Lord Emeka" was shortened to "POLE" and soon shouted often by the members of the class, as well as their friends, and scrawled over the wipe-boards and chalkboards in their classroom in quick moments after break. At one point, the class acquired an actual pole, and walked to class with it raised high, while chanting "POLE". The roles in the religion were divided up as follows:

The Prophet- Tess Herdman The High Priest- Daniel Mitrano The Missionary- Priyan Pathirana "The Poet/Daughter"- Dheivanai Moorthy The Pope- Chris Liu The E-Bearing Pixie- Natalie Keyes (from the Comp Sci class) The Anti-Emeka- Naomi Rafal The Non-Believer- Andrew Higgins (Under the veil of ignorance much?)

The High Priest has also drawn each of the members, which are highly sacred.

The religion continues after CTY, as the students of this class (plus Natalie Keyes of Comp Sci), have created a Facebook group and chat where they may continue their worship.


Instructor: Jacob "Sparky" Sparks TA: Charles Barclay △△△△△

The highlight of this class was reading the hilariously disjumbled stories out of the textbook entitled "Shantila's Inside Logic". Sparky's hair seemed to defy gravity as he completed beautiful proofs. Discussions included those about virtuous toasters, sp00ky scary skeletones, making you believe that nothing exists, and other BEAUTIFUL things. We may never find out who won the & drawing contest. The TA's name was Charles Barclay (NOT pronounced "barkly") and he was the illuminati. 90% of break time included watching a certain individual be a terrible Mao dealer while constantly playing Get Down Mr President (also holding up a triangle hand sign HAIL CHARLES HAIL ILLUMINATI). Studying fallacies and performing skits to demonstrate them was the best part of the class. Sparky often played music in the background and while he took requests, he didn't play the Beatles at the request of a certain bagpipe-playing individual till the last day. Much of the last days of class were spent playing the quiet game and freaking people out returning from the bathroom.

"I'm not a pharmacist, but I sure do know a lot about drugs."

"We believe in god, but do god believe in us?"

"How serious are you? IM SO SERIOUS."

"Shhhhh. No talking."

  • franklin performs with a beautiful Arnold Schwarzenegger impression*
  1. teambreezy


Instructor: Todd (To-dd-dd) TA: Natalia

An incredibly international class with students from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Australia, Singapore and a TA from Russia. Due to the fact that the TA was Russian and another kid in class spoke Russian, many conversations would go something like this:

TA Natalia: What does he mean? Student: So if A then B, febfksgnairhaohFBgurgjkdfhdIGngj TA Natalia: Oh, so like ajhfsbsgusguUSHfhbdk Rest of class: ...OI BABUSHKA!

Proof golf was one of the most stressful situations any of the students had been placed in.

Grass whistling was both the most annoying and entertaining thing that happened during our walk to/from class. "Don't you grass me. Use your words!" - Calvin

The foot syncing/tripping thing was infuriating to say the least. *cough Calvin*

After watching "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure", the girls suffered a day full of the boys saying "dudeeeeeeee".

Learning how to do "The Whip" during break time, courtesy of Morgan.

Eating fireballs in the cafe.

Staring at Meghna for 2 seconds before she starts cracking up again.

Andrew waking Stan up by dumping fireballs on him.

Snapchatting extremely close-up photos of each other.

Alicia's competitive nature showing through during the Scavenger Hunt.

Teaching Aidan how to do a cartwheel.

Dedicating two hours to solve a riddle about the Russian post-office.

Joking about Meghna's extreme obsession with Sherlock and fangirl mode with Benedict Cumberbatch.

Dancing with Natalia at the last CTY dance.

Struggling intensely with moving the cursor across the projected screen.

Zack denying Stan of the "Asian Handshake".

When we realized that there was a heater in the classroom on the very last day, after we nearly froze to death in the classroom in the past few weeks.

The best Russian accent imitation from Calvin, ironically opposed to the fact that Stan is "Russian".

When Natalia showed us an old Russian cartoon, along with several inspirational comic strips.

  • "You can't just gently tap the nae nae, you gotta HIT the nae nae.""Slow + Steady = turtle" -Calvin
  • "ZACK!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!! You scratched my paper!" "I am not Mexican" -Stan
  • "This is not okay!" "It's almost over" - Morgan
  • "OHHH SHOTS FIREDDD! pewww pewww!" - Calvin
  • "Alice is slow. Snails are slow. Therefore we can conclude that Alice is a snail" "Stan, that lamppost moves faster than you!" - Alicia
  • "It's Iola with an I" *To-dd-dd writes an A*
  • Our end of the session "board decorating" was definitely one of the highlights of the session.
  • "Mackie, you're the only white person in our class lol"

"No... there's Stan" "Yeah, but Stan's Mexican that doesn't really count"

  • Octagon - 'Fancy Letter L'
  • "Stop adding 'poop' in my essay, Alicia!" - Calvin, Alice, and Sophia
  • "What do you think, Meghan?" - To-dd-dd

"Uh, it's Meghna." *this was in the 3rd week of the session*

  • "I'm sorry I'm a bio-student." *Alice whacks Sophia with piece of paper*
  • "JUST DO IT" - literally every guy in the class
  • "MOIST"


This class was taught by Ian Olasov and TA'd by Natalia. Ian made a rule that once he blew a bubble, class would start, however due to his lacking ability to blow bubbles, class would not start immediately. Over the course of three weeks, if anything amusing was said, it would be written on the chalkboard and would be officially adopted as a saying. Some phrases were, "Must be Philosophy","Your Mom is a Fallacy", "I hate Ain", "Squiggle P" and "Nealism". This class also had very random moments where one of the guys would randomly shout "RACISM" when nothing racist ever occurred. There were 8 girls in the class and 3 boys. Often, the students were given the assignment of making a vine and one group decided to adopt rapper names and end the vine by saying their names. Wanting to look impressive and imitate the rappers who drop their mics, one student threw his fruit punch on the ground while saying "Willy Wonka Out" and it burst onto the carpet. That group had to retake the vine with "Willy Wonka" throwing a pencil on the ground instead. It wasn't as impressive. The classroom itself had very out of control air conditioning and before and after class, everyone would change into and out of sweatpants and hoodies. The class was filled with many heated debates and a lot of laughs.

Class members were: Neal Krishna, Will Legat, Henry Liu, Enyo Adoboe, Felicity Huang, Rachel Ding, Hannah Grauer, Ella Potee, Lynne Kim, Cat Deutsch, and Skyler Bennet.


The Lancaster 16.1 Logic A course was instructed by (not Mr.) Dan (chalk-breaking goals) and TAd by Steve (AKA Stevia). The class could be quite boisterous and was known for losing the game periodically. These students not only learned multiple logic languages but also proved that all arguments presented in LCL were incorrect due to a third factor, the surprise triangle. "Do it for Steve" (the infamous quote) originated after a particularly stressful evening session. These sessions often slid down a slippery slope; as the clock ticked, students declined from studious parse trees to loud rap battles and silent proofing to cat doodles on the chalkboard. Another notable event was the creation of "The Oppressive Western Liberals" during a debate about relativism. There was talk of creating a shirt, but the idea never came into fruition. Unikitties vs Dogacorns is still a raging debate. Nevertheless, we ship Steve with Anna. (-all of the girls)

Class members were: Ishan, Theo, Richard, Gavin, Ashton, Jordyn, Eden, Cynthia, Sophie, Maggie, Whitney, Sarah Renee, Nicole, Sylvie, and Bella.

The biggest question of all: "IN WHAT SENSE?!?!?!?!" LIES, ALL OF THEM!


Lancaster 16.1 Logic B was instructed by Tyler Paytas, who feels anxious without a football in his hands, and TA'd by Scott Wolcott, who just really likes Harley Davidson. Content included informal and formal logic, multiple debates and skits, ethics and meta ethics, philosophy, a final paper, and lots of arguing. A notable example was on the first official day of classes, where Navya and Angelique got way too involved in a heated argument about triangles, eventually getting multiple other members of the class drawn into the argument. For the rest of camp, triangles was a topic that COULD NOT BE MENTIONED. Many disturbing things were learned about classmates during debates, one of the most notable being how Alex doesn't like vegans, and how he would kill one thousand people if it meant that his life would be spared. The class is best known for having intense ERS games during break, lots of Pokemon hunting, hitting people with *that giant yellow frisbee, stressing out over debates and tests, and for catching the "Daniels". About 20 different ships have sailed and sunk, one of the most notable being "Bemily", which lasted for a little over one dance. Students learned how to derive logical equations with the song, "The Bear Went Over the Mountain", learned what the hook and biconditional meant with the statement, "If Sarah (with an h) smiles, then Christine will laugh, and learned about the slippery slope fallacy with an example involving the end of world due to inappropriate pictures. If somebody saw a suspicious looking leaf, the entire class would proceed to shout, "Is that a marijuana? IN MY GOOD CHRISTIAN SUBURBS?!" Students did not worship God, for they worshiped Amber Li and practiced Amberlism. "Bob Saget" became a saying that spread to many other humanities courses, who created many memes involving bob saget. Everybody was only slightly traumatized by Ben's weird "talent" of humming the Mario theme song, crooked pinkies, and the Daniels. Remember that truth precedes most readily from error, and try not to break too many collarbones during the year.

Classmates included Christine, Navya, Angelique, Catrina, Emily Shoe, Amber, Vivian, Hannah, Erin, Sarah, Alex, Michael, Ben, Aiden, and Daniel.


"Sahhhhhhhhhhh dude"

"Navya, can I hang out with you at the dance?" "It's not you, it's me." (Christine spits out ice cream)


"Jiggles my wiggles!"


Decaffeinated coffee, dog, laugh, half, etc.


"All cones are mortal"

"Hug my pads"



"His face is so SEX-Y though"

"The flowers should have moved!"

Quotes of the day

The overpriced ramen

Morse code

"Marry rich, die young"

"That touches my collarbone!"


Loyal bubble blowers

I like you, I love you, I CTY you.


Logic at Los Angeles Session 1 was instructed by Kent who always wore plaid and was from Canada and Tad by Tanya who said delightful a lot. The students were Ciara, Renée, Mitch, Jason Kyle/Joseph aka Koseph, Elaine, Daniel, Gillian, Emma, Lindsay, Imogen, Tiffany, Bianca,and Elizabeth. The class was lowkey insane. They learned a lot of fallacies and watched commercials exhibiting these fallacies. The whiteboard had a photo of Anwar Hadid on it after Renée and Ciara had a mishap when hanging a poster. The saying "All is fair in love Anwar" was often written under the photo. The phrase "Gay ships are yay ships" was often written on the board by Gillian before Koseph would erase it. Kent taught the kids how to do proofs by following "Kent's Magic Proof Strategies". Koseph had an unfortunate occurrence where he did a proof in 36 steps that easily could have been done in 24. Daniel would often fall asleep in class but then he learned his parents would get his evaluation and actually payed attention. He made many memorable quotes such as "Yolo, you only live online." The class debated Philosophy of Mind and pointed out all their fallacies which confused the PoM kids.


Logic A (lower age group) was taught by Bill McGeehan and TA'd by Justin Price. It was a session of many memorable moments and inside jokes, from killing all old people to a student shouting, "DILDO!" at one point while we were studying definitions (a vacuum cleaner Rena, not a dildo!). The debate tournament was full of topics that ranged from the one child policy to fish being the best pet (It was quite an interesting sight to watch Hahnbie Kim and Sean Reed try to direct appeal to emotion when talking about something as mundane as fish.) Alie Li won the debate tournament in the finals against Sammy Rhee, who was arguing for con against the topic of eugenics for humans. Let it be noted that Simon was the only full white kid in our class. There was a total of fourteen kids in this class: Sean Reed, Sean Kim, Tse Saunders, Soleil Saint-Cyr, Rena Bi, Grace Wang, Alie Li, Tabitha You, Hahnbie Kim, Joyce Lee, Sammy Rhee, Chris Jueng, Simon Messineo, and Manny Tran.

"It's only harassment if you feel harassed."- Unknown

"A better fish. A more colorful fish."- Reed

"Aquariums for every family!"- Reed


"Kill all old people"- Rena


"A gentle thrust of the fist towards the skin"- Simon

"So God is a scientist?"- Alie

"Hottie with a body"- Reed

"Put the vegetation on the truth trees"- Tse

"It must be a Southern thing."- Unknown

"Adultery is the only true kind of love."- Course Reader

"Simon, do you have a butter churn?"- Sean


Taught by Kent Schmor(champagne parties) and TAed by Elise who was vegan which was very inconvenient at LOS because the only thing she could eat was salad. The members of the class were Hannah, Jessica, Angela, Sarah, Sumin, Sami, Katrina, Violet, Emily, Alex, Brian, Jeremy, Harry, and Henry. Kent had very big muscles, and once it was pointed out nobody could stop noticing them. Elise inexplicably had her hair wet every afternoon/evening session and nobody knew why. Because Kent was ~Canadian~, he was too nice to yell at us when we got off topic which was basically all the time. Lots of *fun* was had whenever Kent said "let's do some klenk work". Notable incidents include "watching' 12 angry men (nobody was listening) and debating against Jeremy who just used fancy words to sound smart. Lots of powerpoint notes were taken. Everybody loves fallacies, especially Sarah "totally fallacious bro". Drag day was epic because everybody participated. The debates were very fun especially when we debated about DRUGS and ABORTION and ASSISTED SUICIDE but the people with laptops were the true winners. A certain person kept on asking long winded questions in class that nobody understood, and Kent eventually gave up on answering questions from that one person. We all had lots of food during class because Hannah's parents brought her to Costco and bought her a box of Welches, skinny pop, and a huge bag of Doritos that everybody shared and took forever to finish. Hannah stole Harry's sunglasses multiple times because they "looked better on her" and they did. Henry had great posture, and he had the best poker face even though we never played poker. Lots of Egyptian war was played but nobody memorized cards so each game took forever. We stole the class poster from LOS 16.1 because we were too lazy to make our own and Kent was nice enough(like a true Canadian) to offer it to us.


This class was taught by Clinton Castro (not Packman) and TAed by Jojo Lovejoy. The students were Vyomini, Angelina, Alex, Joanna, Jessica, Nina, Jeremy, Brandon, Bubba, Raymond, Kevin, Mason, Avi, and Jonas. This class will be remembered for Clinton's beard (RIP) and the debates that definitely went well. The debates were on moral obligation to follow laws and decriminalization of drugs. Clinton and Jojo tried to surprise each other at the same time and the students were caught in the middle. Food was not entrusted to Kevin except when it was, such as when he chewed 15 pieces of gum at once, as well as nearly three-quarters of a pound of Sour Patch Kids. There was a lot of music, including all canon besides American Pie and Clinton's interesting choices. The unofficial class canon now is "I Write Sins, not Tragedies." Alex, Joanna, Brandon, and Jessica somehow got lost while singing "My Shot" from Hamilton and ended up halfway across campus; they are still confused as to how this happened. Bob the Chicken (Mason), the Logical Turtle (Nina), and Timmy the Turtle (Nina) shall forever be missed. Rest in peace. According to Clinton, "More material was covered than in a good college class." The truth of this for some students is questionable, but is mostly accepted. Joanna and Jonas fought to "Make America America Again!" Almost everyone played four-square while the people who didn't want to pass out from the heat or be killed in the game sat under a tree and listened to good music and were generally better off.


- Clinton: "This is not a democracy."

- Joanna: "O HECC!"

- Jessica: "Do not blame for the chickens. I did not consent to the chickens."


This class was taught by Jacob "Sparky" Sparks and TA Eduardo "Ed" Korb, both of whom had attended CTY in previous years. Jacob is known for his sandals and fabulous hair where as Ed is known for his ability to do a variety of acrobatic tricks. Some quotes from this class include:

  • "If I here euethra one more time, I will flip my shit" -Ed
  • "Eggs are going for $8,000 and I'm just spilling them out" -Jenn
  • "Hey did you guys know that cannibalism is legal?" -Emily Hasse (true by the way look it up)

This class also included great moments such as when Ed slurped for the first time and when Michael (17.1 friend) ate chalk. The class was often entertained by Jacob's music choices, including "9 hours of healing singling bowls" and various jungle sounds.


Logic was taught by the legendary and holy John Styles, with his respective TA, JP Gamboa. John never takes the blame, therefore forcing poor 'ol JP to take responsibility.

JP was shipped with Erika, Howe 3 RA, after they were seen together for approximately 5 minutes at the first dance of session. This ship created the ship name "Jerika," which the Logic girls proceeded to write everywhere possible. However, on the last day, Erika revealed that she had a boyfriend by the name of "Gage." (Which in all honesty is a terrible name. (seconded))

On a random day in the last week, Randy Wang had a severe mental breakdown resulting in an attempt to wax off his own eyebrows using tape. However, immediately after stopping and him realizing what a bad idea it was, Tarisai swooped in and tried to help Randy wax off his eyebrows. Randy also came up with two brilliant quotes: "I don't need a Hotpocket. I need Jesus." and "I have more mosquito bites than friends right now." Poor JP was left to deal with this level of craziness all by himself.

John had a questionable obsession with Diet Pepsi. This led to the Diet Pepsi Taste Test, organized by Carolyn, where he had to guess which cup of Pepsi was Diet Pepsi. (the options were varying levels of similarity to the real thing, but he guessed correctly with little to no outward effort.) John also had a very interesting temper, where he exploded at Iman one day for knitting, after she had finished her work. Of course, there was also the pop-test at the end of the first week, where John became so pissed at the class that he gave the class a pop quiz. Questions/syllogisms on the test include:

"Some students named Alexis are students who crush my soul.
 All students who only pretend to care are students who crush my soul.
(Therefore) Some students who pretend to care are students named Alexis."
"All students who make me question my career choice are named Claire. 
 No students who place my class ahead of all else are students who make me question my career choice.
(Therefore) No students who place my class ahead of all else are named Claire."

Breaks were taken during the half-way point of each class. Whenever admins or anyone else asked, we would always reply with the truth, 10 minutes (no matter what.) During the first week, in the midst of a break, Kaiya received a large red bump on her forehead due to a wild frisbee thrown by Tarisai. From then on, the class would occasionally say, "Don't pull a Tarisai," when someone was in danger of hitting someone else with a frisbee.

There were two (formal) debates, however, one was rather one-sided (with the Appeal to Heaven taking up most of their argument despite the fact that we learned it was an illogical fallicy.) The other was evenly matched, with actual facts, and finishing with Iman yelling "IT IS THE LAW!"


This class was taught by our Satan, Evan Kalkus, and our deity/daddy, JP Gamboa, and was taught in a classroom named 'Mian' (the Chinese word for "noodles").

The members of the class created the rules for class themselves. Most of them were normal, but some were strange. They included:

  • Saying "mian has been enlightened" once the lights were turned on
  • Evan and JP having to meow to get the student's attention (although Evan refused to do so)
  • Singing your apology if you're late to class (done so by Olivia, Albert T, Amy, Alice, Lauren, Kelly and Albert Z. Please add names if missing any). Nicholas was late to class many times, but for some reason managed to avoid singing his apology.

The class was divided up into teams, which were named 'Plato is Still a Planet' (Amy, Nicholas, Albert Z, Angie), 'Grice Kripke Treats' (David, Lauren, Alice, Daisy), 'Monte-Screw You' (Eilidh, Aidan, Susannah, Olivia), and 'JRV-EQBBORS' (an insanely long acronym that was pronounced 'jerv equebbors') (Yvonne, Kelly, Ella, Albert T). The initial purpose of the division into teams was for a session-long competition to decide who would choose what movie to watch on the last day. However, this was pretty much pointless, as most of the class wanted to watch The Matrix. In the end, Monte-Screw You won. Their prize was the satisfaction of winning.

Memorable things done by students:

  • Albert Zhang became recognized as a serial killer after fake-murdering fellow classmate Angie multiple times for a skit demonstrating different kinds of fallacies. He would often threaten people, frequently saying, "You have three days."
  • Amy Hidalgo became First Empress for 18.2 and was the best raver in class. She also managed to shatter her phone during the first dance.
  • Nicholas Lawson was very very very very very tall (6'8"!!)
  • Angie Zhong was the best drawer and drew an impressive drawing on the whiteboard of an anime girl in about 10 minutes, the drawing was accurate and very good-looking
  • David Wang was unanimously nominated student TA all three Wednesdays and had a "D" dictionary made just for him.
  • Lauren Liu learned very quickly with things like truth trees and raving. She always brought cards to break.
  • Alice Zhang started the "D" dictionary, danced during the talent show, and did Chinese yo-yo which will forever be more memorable than the dance. She also by mistake said "Albert. No, not you Albert the real Albert!" She was also known for her flicking technique that was very effective when it came to playing Prez.
  • Daisy Fernandez made a quote book with things that people said such as "Pineapple Day," Evan "Kalkulator," and JP "Gamboa constrictor."
  • Eilidh Kaune was accurately drawn by Evan when he attempted to draw a volcano because of her red hair and "cape". She is a forevermore and a knitter for life. Her sweater will forever be an icon.
  • Aidan Parilla will be remembered for his "kinky" and "communism is key" jokes (both which he stole from Olivia), but he will be forever remembered for his mixup calling Passionfruit "Pineapple Day." He greeted people by saying, "Wuss poppin' Jimbo" and called everybody "daddy."
  • Susannah Abrams is also a forevermore. She was very kind to everybody and was often the chairman for regular Mao. She solved the hardest logic puzzle and completed the Self-Referential Aptitude Test or "SRAT," which helped her team, Monte-screw You, win the competition.
  • Olivia Ren was famous through all the staff for her special talent of crying on the spot after RA Abby put a crying battle between her and Albert T on her Snapchat Story. Even when you knew her crying was fake you couldn't help but feel bad because, according to Albert T, she looked ten. She also "scumbagged" everybody during the prisoner's dilemma. Aidan often stole her jokes. She was also known as "egg" and had a talent for drawing bleach bottles.
  • Kelly Kong is a forevermore who ISOed every sleepover and during "Louis." She missed passionfruit; she slept through it due to writing her speech:

Way back in 2012, my parents made me go take some test to get into some school camp. Like school camp sounded pretty bad, what 9 year old wants to waste their summer learning about engineering and stuff. But then that following summer the next year, I went to school camp, and it was ok I guess. So come 2015 my parents tell me that I'm going to even harder school camp, that was my first year at Skidmore, as a 12-year-old squirrel who was the youngest person in her class. And I of hated it. I was that person who'd be antisocial and hide during the dances, I wouldn't do many of the traditions, I'd hang out in the dorm during quad time and would never dare to participate in class. Come the second week, I found myself wishing camp would end sooner because I was so intimidated by my incredibly smart class and I felt dumb. But by the second weekend pretty much everything changed. I actually started participating in the traditions, learning to rave, and really embracing the phenomenal community that opened up. Cty became this experience that I could look forward to year after year. That's why the next summer was freaking amazing, and I loved every minute of it. My cog psych class/hall was so closely knit and followed the traditions religiously. It's not just about the classes. Cty is a real family and is so diverse and yet so accepting at the same time. Everyone was so open and friendly, and cty just was a paradise to me. This year, was my first time at session 2 and it was nerve wracking again because I didn't recognize a single person. But then again, there was this amazing welcoming community and that's really what cty is all about. The most important part about my cty experience was that it gave me more confidence. I've always been a shy person and on the inside maybe I still am. But coming to this place really made me unafraid to be more open and outgoing, and anyone in my logic class probably knows that I'm super loud-sorry Evan! or announcing to the whole class that I skipped a page of the post test. And actually participating in a talent show that would have been unimaginable few years ago-and i follow the funky traditions and don't give a crap about what cultish ideas Skidmore people have developed while we dance to tunak. Looking back at the past session, all I can do is smile when I think of all the amazing memories. From getting to do the gauntlet, to singing in the talent show with Amy, and screaming canon songs at the top of our lungs at every dance until I sound like a freaking chipmunk, whale impressions, making all the slogans we possibly could about Kanye with my fellow jervies and complaining about stupid predicate logic, smacking ourselves silly with glow sticks, crying our eyes out at the end of American Pie yesterday and having those hug fests, ISOs, night quad, suffocating each other with tape, having the most chill time at the TAPS games and attempting to learn how to play the ukelele, finally getting that stupid sticks game after over an hour, getting some battle scars (scrapes) from blammo and our logic class having more than enough inside jokes to fill a nevermore page. What I'll miss the most just sitting in that corner booth during meals with endless laughter and just loving every single minute of it. This session went by in the blink of an eye, and I'm already missing everyone and the whole community so much. I CTY you all. But all in all, I'm thankful that we didn't get caught by campus security today and that I finally got that stupid sticks game. Thank you for a fantastic 5 years. I love cty and I love the passionfruit.

  • Ella or L Feinberg was the "peanut gallery" of the class. She was sick the last week and contaminated most of the class.
  • Albert Tang was also known as Falbert (Fake Albert) and was guilt-tripped (by Olivia) into putting on makeup on clothing-swap day. He was shipped with many people, such as Rachel, Julian (both from Creative Nonfiction), and Albert Z. He had very fashionable pineapple shorts.
  • Yvonne Chen (as well as Kelly) cut scraps of posterboard to create a bowl of confetti during class, and Kelly kept spilling it and making a mess. She was very good at doing the skits.

"You have three days" was also mentioned in RA Abby's hall for their Casino Night hall prize which was telling RA Dan a bedtime story. The girls of logic class spent 10-15 minutes saying many inside jokes about Logic class that Dan did not understand. This story involved chanting randomly about rice and rights and about ~E jokes. The SRA Marrissa who was to watch over Dan because he was in the girl dorm looked like she either wanted to shut the girls down or enjoy Dan's helpless attempts to follow the story. RA Abby looked slightly less lost but nobody but the 11 girls could fully understand the jokes. RA Kyra, the neighboring RA, looked grateful that she didn't have a handful of girls that Abby could barely control.

During break, members of the class would frequently play the card game "Mao 2.0." It was basically Mao but it was centered around communism after Olivia drew a picture of "lmao zedong" and put #communismiskey on a whiteboard.

Whiteboards were constantly being written on by students with many colors of expo markers. Various things made its way onto the whiteboard such as: #JPisourdeity, #JPisourdaddy, #tanktopJP, #EvanisSatan, Dan Dennett is the devil, #wewantrice, #wewantrights, #alalbertice, #lauralberten, and #albertjulianalbertsandwich, and many obnoxious Kanye campaign slogans (courtesy of the Jervies) such as #KanyeWestistheKanyeBest, and #JointheKult and #Amerikanye. Drawings included a mochi with a supposed marijuana (red poppy) and a very impressive anime whiteboard drawing by Angie Zhong. Another item involving the whiteboards was the "D" dictionary which was started by Alice Zhang and the class contributed words beginning with the letter "D" to help David Wang think of words for a name-recall exercise for JP our deity. In the end, Deoxyribonucleic acid David was the best choice, beating words like dying, dating, disappointment, and demolished.

Love Tape Day involved many rolls of tape and left some kids running away to save their bags from being stuck to them. Evan had an easier time due to being the teacher and students wrote on masking tape to stick to Evan's desk instead. JP, however, had tape stuck to him.

Abby's hall won Water Day!!! Kelly, Amy, and Eilidh did the gauntlet.

Students also imitated the low and booming voice of this year's Game Theory teacher who yelled "Game Theory" and the high voice of Evan's "Logic" Students also accused Game Theory of being cheaters because of their actions in the daily activity "Latin Games".

Joaquín (pronounced wah-keen) was Evan's clone and will forever be remembered. Please say his name with a french accent because the "i" has an accent.

Shelley Kagan is forever a better presenter than Dan Dennett, who, according to the Logic class, "needs to find a tissue."

9 hours and 26 minutes of whale music will always be the class' favorite song.

Remember: ~E v G

Here is a copy of the transcribed quote book kept by Daisy Fernandez The following quotes were made the class Logic and the Principles of Reasoning in the year 2017 and in session 2 of CTY SARATOGA. I don’t really know what else to do with these. I guess, put them on the CTY page or run them through a gazillion languages in Google Translate. I don’t know.

“I’ve been here for four days and I know everything except for pineapple day.” ​-Aiden on July 20th, 2017 “The D Dictionary!” “Tell us your age or you have three days.” ​Albert on July 20th, 2017 “Mian has been enlightened.” ​-Everyone “I look like a volcano.” ​-Eilidh “Why are we talking about human centipedes?” -Evan “No fighting in my good, Christian neighborhood!” ​-The Falbert “Meow.” ​-Evan and JP “JP is our deity.” -Eilidh “JP is using necromancy to recreate Albert.” ​-David “Aaaand he killed him again.” “He AmeriKut my head off. #jointheKult #AmeriKult #Amerika.” “Mmm… murder.”

-The Jervies 

“How old are you, because you have cooties.” -Kelly “Albert, stop stabbing Susannah.” -Evan “Albert, kill the board.” “Board, you have three days.” “Why do we need to use such big words like polemical?” -Ella ​“Well, then he starts talking about tomatoes.” “Would you identify more as a bird or a deity?” -Ella ​“To be discussed later.” “... tasting a rose.” “Jargon.” “Is there philosophy for normal people?” “I liked it, but I didn’t see how the whale…” “Her name is Fred.” “I think it’s not entirely MEEOOOREWOOOO (whale interrupts).” “If JP is our deity, is Evan our Satan?” “9 hours and 26 minutes of whale music.” -nick “You just offended everyone, and the whale.” “It’s raining like a cow peeing on a cat.” “You’re standing on shallow ground.” “She looks ten!” ​“He looks like an alien!” “Do you think I could make a noose out of a long strip of paper?” -Albert Z “Guys! I got the teacher to dance!” “Guys! Albert T.’s a pedophile!” ​“A pedophiler? What’s that?” ​“One who defiles pedophiles.” “Dan Dennett. He’s the guy who looks like Santa Claus” -Kelly ​“What is red? Where is red? Who are you?” ​“I think if he was an author he’d sell, like, one book.” ​“And he bought the book.” ​“He needs to stop sniffling; he needs to, like, take some cold pills.” “God pokes.” “Planking!” (Everyone then proceeded to plank. It was glorious.) -Kelly “We should vote for a revote.” “We want rice! We want rice! We want rice!” “Well, we want rights too, but mainly rice.” “Rice rights!” “CTY without Luke is like apple pie without apples.” “No Dan Dennetts are interesting.” ​-Kelly “Albert, Albert, Albert Sandwich!” ​“Then have Julian on the side as, like, a rebound.” ​“No! He can be a pickle!” “Why can’t you grow shorter?” “Evan loves JP.” “We can’t do homework?! Why not?!” ​-Ella “Cats with polkadots.” -Kelly “At what point does it become a sweater?” “Sacrifice me, but on after I finish my sweater.” -Eilidh “Goldstein is Dan Dennett.” “Dan Dennett is forever a betrayer of out cult.” “Thank you, robot Albert.” “Cats don’t have laws.” ​“How do you know? You’re not a cat.” “Every country should have the death penalty for Dan Dennett.” “David, how’s your backpack?” ​“I’m literally attached to it.” -David on Love Tape day “Aw shoot, I did eat your banana. ​Here, you can have my banana. ​They look exactly the same!” -JP and Evan “Do you rike da babbow tee?(Do you like the bubble tea?)" -Albert Z “ negate…. The… CONCLUSION.” “Evan, what’s your middle name?” “Is your middle name Dan Dennett?” “Peanut gallery is a term for people who just chatter and don’t help the conversation move along.” -Evan ​“Well that’s Ella!” -Kelly “The ‘Eye-land’ Problem.” -Yvonne “Evan Kalkus is in the Illuminati.” “JP Gamboa Constrictor.” -Yvonne “Mmm… just another day with eyes.” -Yvonne “Moana freaks me out. The shiny crab dude and the coconuts. Where’d the coconuts come from?” -Evan “More parentheses!” “John Chiu!” “John Wu!” “All hail Communist China.” “#cardlivesmatter.” "Don't trust the beavers." “Albert! No, not you, Albert T., the real Albert!” “Evan has an evil twin named Joaquin!” -Ella “Albert T. is not the real Albert!” -Alice “What is the 32nd element of the Periodic Table?” “*random Bohemian Rhapsody interlude*” -Everyone “I LIKE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I CTY YOU.”

Class members were: Susannah Abrams, Eilidh Kaune, Kelly Kong, Amy Hidalgo, Nicholas Lawson, Yvonne Chen, Ella Feinberg, Lauren Liu, Daisy Fernandez, Albert Zhang, Alice Zhang, Olivia Ren, Aidan Parilla, Angie Zhong, Albert Tang, and David Wang