User talk:Violinist0107

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Hey everyone, I'm Anna.

First, I went to Chestertown for Baby CTY in 2009 and came back for "regular" CTY in 2010 at Lancaster.

Sadly, I cannot return for anymore crazy, fun, and memorable summers due to scheduling conflicts.

Looking back on it, I kind of regret the fact that I decided not to partake in many of the traditions at Lancaster.

At the time I didn't know that it would be my last time coming to the camp as a student, so I convinced myself about halfway through the first week that it wasn't necessary to learn the cannon dances or sign up for Blammo because I knew that I would return the next year.

Bad idea.

However, I'm hoping that I can return in the future as an RA.

For me, CTY was a life changing experience for me.

CTY taught me many things inside and outside of the classroom.

It introduced me to K-Pop, college life, and how to talk to a boy that I really like. Before, all I did was stare, stutter, and then walk away.

But most importantly, it was a place for me to heal.

Before CTY, I was so scared and insecure. I was still in the beginning stages of getting over some of the problems I had in the 2008-2009 school year.

But because I went to CTY that summer, I can now be at peace with myself and others around me and I haven't been happier.

Oh and for those of you who are curious, here are the courses I took:
