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Jay and Silent Bob is a new tradition that may or may not be revived as seen fit. It all started on Halloween at CTY Lancaster Session 2 2006 when Cristina D'Ancona dressed up as Jay from the movies "Clerks", "Mallrats", "Dogma" and others. Immediately, her friend Peter Treadway caught the reference and changed his costume (originally it had been "emo") by borrowing a bathrobe and a hat and drawing a beard on his face with sharpie to represent Jay's infamous partner, Silent Bob. Jay and Silent Bob proceeded to terrorize the campus with their antics, their place in CTY history carved in stone.

The Jay and Silent Bob tradition is unique in that it CANNOT be passed on to the next generation of CTYers by the current Jay and Silent Bob. Anyone who wishes to continue the tradition only needs to don the costume, and play the part.