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Revision as of 13:07, 20 July 2019

Who Am I?

Hey y'all, I'm Yona Levine! I go by they/them and he/him pronouns. I don't have a super-big presence at CTY (I was a flying squirrel for a while) but I was at RWU 17.1 (Zoology), JHU 18.1 (Linguistics), and SAR 19.1 (Cognitive Psychology). I'm a part of the Skidmore Friendship Cult, one of the (remarkably few) trans kids on campus, and if your friends ever talk about that one kid who ran around at SAR aggressively blowing a kazoo at people, that was me too.

I don't have a squirrel parent. But I do have, like, 12 CTY best friends, most of whom can just be summed up as "the main cast of the Cult."

Favorite Notable Quotables 2018

"I don't think the German state sees FIFA as a father figure." - me, 18.1 "It's a great day to hide in a bush." -me, 18.1 "Are you a bandage??" - me, 18.1 "What is... box?" - Io, 18.1 "Oranges are God's ziploc bags." - Madison, 18.1 "He killed a man. I can feel it." - Rosa, 18.1 "This is a car." - Luke, 18.1 "But I don't want you to wake up and scrunch my eyebrow!" - Lynn, 18.1 "I was busy karate fighting in their room, I didn't get your toothpaste." Meiling, 18.1

Favorite Notable Quotables 2019

"A velociraptor is NOT a drug." - me, 19.1 "If you're not reliable you're not valid." - me, 19.1 "Schadenfreude doesn't involve, sort of, like- HEHEHE." - John, 19.1 "You can infer that depression kirby became depression kirby because he ate someone depressed." - John, 19.1 "You assume I'm not a baby." - John, 19.1 "OH MY GOD BABY, FALL INTO THE ABYSS! I'M TIRED OF YOUR LATE NIGHT SHRIEKING, FALL INTO THE ABYSS!" - John, 19.1 "So we're trying to teach kirby to rave" - John 19.1 "Oh, it's not even a grad student, oh god. It's a post-doc." - John, 19.1 "An illegal cinnamon-dealing operation!" - Nat, 19.1 "Pain is temporary, t-posing is eternal." - Isidora, 19.1 "Fits enough to fit." - Leah, 19.1 "I don't work out. I'm a mechanic." - Tre/Donzell, 19.1 "Any of you guys tried my idea?" "What was his idea again?" "Murder." - Burke, Natalie Chang, Nat, 19.1


Anyone who wants to drop comments or talk about me not-behind-my-back, this is where you do it!


  • I wanted to be a fighter pilot once upon a time. Then I took an arrow to the knee. (Just kidding. I got glasses.)
  • I'm a Gemini- my birthday is June 9.
  • My favorite animal is the planarian. They're adorable. Look them up.
  • I'd never been to Passionfruit before 19.1.
  • The kazoo thing started at Casino Night 19.1, because Sebastian, Tre, and I found kazoos hidden all over the case center and proceeded to do a rendition of Africa onstage. Contrary to popular belief, this was not a Godfather dare.
  • My favorite superhero is Hawkeye.
  • I like the colors purple, black, and gold most.
  • I had never heard many of the canon songs (e.g. House of Gold, Blister in the Sun) before CTY.
  • Even though I'm not the best raver, I'm bringing it to my other camp.
  • My name directly translates to either Dove or Pigeon. This has led to many nicknames (primarily Pigeon or Pidge.)
  • I take Italian in school, and I'm learning ASL independently.
  • I accidentally tried to get breakfast at 7 my first year at SAR, which led to one of the RAs thinking I was trying to sneak out. I was not trying to sneak out. I was just hungry.