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Line 155: Line 155:
66. What’s this about having sex with Veer? I’m up for it!
66. What’s this about having sex with Veer? I’m up for it!
-Ev-<br />
-Ev-<br />
67. Ev, stop being a manwhore! ''Edit: I think that's impossible. -Zoe''
67. Ev, stop being a manwhore!  
-Veer-<br />
-Veer- ''Edit: I think that's impossible. -Zoe''<br />
68. I can feel your love on my legs, Zev. What the fuck, I called you Zev?!
68. I can feel your love on my legs, Zev. What the fuck, I called you Zev?!
-Wes McClung- (7/6)<br />
-Wes McClung- (7/6)<br />

Revision as of 16:53, 31 July 2008

Hey everyone, it's Zoe from LAN. You may know me as the short girl with red hair that carried the Quotebook. Not that much to say...if you know me, Facebook friend me!


Superscript text


This is the Quotebook from LAN.08.1! Claim your quotes if I don’t know you said them, and tell me some more quotes to add. They must be original and been said at CTY. No requoting things from home. Have fun reading it, and shoot me a message if you’ve got something to add.

PS: I was in Cryptology, so all references to “Sideshow” are to our instructor, who is awesome.

1. Mr. Dictator's Whore just Flashed the Universe and made it more holy! -Veer Dedhia- (7/1)
2. - My daddy says AC/DC is the devil's music. - That's not what your daddy said last night! -Acting Improv, (AI-Park Bench ) Claim it-
3. Rape is only a word. -James Buckland-
4. - Oh Great and Mighty Sphinx, what were my mommy and daddy doing in bed when I needed a hug? - Your. - Dog. - Freestyle. -AI, Sphinx-
5. I am not Ev's whore. -Elena Karras- (7/2)
6. The Dark Side does not like to be hugged. -Dana Reback-
7. Why is she putting your moose down her shirt? -Maddie (Mev) Stevens-
8. Let us have more orgasms by passing the most Holy and Orgasmic Silent Football. -Veer- (made more funny by the fact that a TA was walking by)
9. Sasha: Veer is not a muscular man, nor is he a muscular woman. But he is indeed muscular. So he is…
Ev: Muscular Hedgehog!
10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, RAPE!!!11!1!! -everyone-
11. The Space Two Players To My Left… -Sam Lockerboy Gross
12. Were you there when the girl got pooped on? -Zoe Goldberg-
13. Can you two stay in that position so I can take a picture? OK that sounded sketchy! -claim it-
14. She transitively kissed my boobs. -Mev-
15. I think I’m wet. -Johnine Licht-
16. Alex Lu: We don’t have a chocolate factory anymore, we have an Oompa Loompa factory.
Veer: So you just sit there fornicating all day?
17. Sasha, you are cross dressing way too early! -claim it-
18. The orgies are in our mind, just concentrate really hard. -Verity Walsh-
19. I made a noble last stand, until they took my pool noodle. -Nora Sandler-
20. All the Star Trek fanboys are having orgasms right now. -Verity-
21. Did I flash you? I’m sorry! -Johni-
22. Originally Frank Wang was supposed to be a Pokemon. The guy who suggested the idea was never seen or heard from again. -Sean Moss-
23. Oh my Frank Wang! -James Buckland-
24. Samantha. Or Squirrel. Not Orgasmic. Maybe. -Samantha Reback-
25. You’ll learn in Week Three. -Sideshow- (ALL SESSION LONG)
26. -I got a 3.2 gigahertz processor!
-Relationships 101-
27. Now me and Ryan, we work at a meat market… -Relationships 101-
28. Hi Zoe, I’m Matt. Do I know you from somewhere? -Matt Da Silva-
29. Be careful, I might just push you off my lap. -Nora-
30. We’re soft and fuzzy inside. -Everett Maus (hereafter: Ev)-
31. -So where are you taking our daughter?
- Las Vegas!
-Relationships 101-
32. A pizza place? Are you a druggie? -R101-
33. Vote for Rick Astley for Emperor! - me (Zoe Madonna) -
34. JT: I love you Ev!
Ev: Love me hard all night!
35. Random Kid: Wow that’s a huge orgy!
Everyone in Grass Orgy: NO IT’S NOT!!!
36. Sam, you’ve lost your eraser privileges. -Joe Lodin-
37. C: France!
Joe: That’s not an R, it’s an A!
Sam: FAIL!
38. Is the first word Sean Connery? -claim it- (7/3)
39. Can I be the pretty showgirl? -Alex Ayvazov (Sasha)-
40. Yay! We worked together and all get candy. It’s a communist ideal! -Joe-
41. Don’t tell me how to do foreplay! -Sasha-
42. What’s this about really epic quotes? Are they quotes that have reached over level 20? -Ev-
43. It’s my roommate! Only my roommate molests people like this! -Christine Pifer- (7/4)
44. Hey look over there, it’s a virgin! -C- (misheard, real: it’s a diversion)
45. Calvin said that, and Calvin is everywhere. -Ben Shifrin-
46. “Gehakt” -The Nederland Puzzle Book-
47. I would curse, but Rowan’s here. -Sasha-
48. I just got pissed on by the sky. -Gabe Murchison-
49. I expect that there will be produce. And Amish people. And Amish people selling produce. -Alex Benshoff- (7/5)
50. Saba: What’s age of consent-
Elena: SEX!!!
51. I’m not wearing shorts, so I can’t do it. -Elena-
52. –Juliana, why are you not taking off your pants?
- I’m not wearing boxers!
- That’s a technicality!
53. Anatomy lesson on my abs. -claim it-
54. If you’re in bed with a girl, is it too late to look up foreplay on Wikipedia? -Ev-
55. Those are some sweet ass-gumballs! -Nick Marcou-
56. -Now it’s got ketchup on it.
-That’s what she said!
Russian Sam/unknown
57. Do you think there’s such a thing as Campbell’s soup porn? -Christine-
58. Site director gone! Can we start the orgy now? -unknown-
59. All we need is a smoke machine and the RAs will think we’re on drugs. -Sean-
60. This is your public service announcement,. There will be a public service announcement in five minutes. -Sasha-
61. I’m sorry Elena, I don’t go randomly straddling people in other universes. -Sasha-
62. You need to impregnate the cards with your magnetism! -Julia Chartove-
63. When you’re around, everything is an orgy. -Zoe M.-
64. Tree Squirrel is actually the embodiment of Frank Wang. -Austin Penner-
65. Tell them it’s possible to break your penis. -Nora-
66. What’s this about having sex with Veer? I’m up for it! -Ev-
67. Ev, stop being a manwhore! -Veer- Edit: I think that's impossible. -Zoe
68. I can feel your love on my legs, Zev. What the fuck, I called you Zev?! -Wes McClung- (7/6)
69. Quote 68? WHAT? Can I be number 69? -Wes-
70. I would applaud, but I’m not sure where my left hand went. -Josh Mermelstein-
71. This is not a grass orgy! This is an ORGY. -Veer-
72. The title in itself suggests bondage. -Christine-
73. I like giggling! I like scissors! Do you like giggling? DO you like scissors? Giggling! Scissors! Giggling! Scissors! -Dana Reback, Claudia Bach, Rachel Larrowe-
74. We just came up with the best idea for generating random numbers ever, Have kids swing their lanyards and see at what point in the circle Frank Wang yells “Stop swinging your lanyard!” -Joe-
75. We shall now sing Happy Birthday to Zoe Madonna, but instead of singing a normal version, we will sing a DEATH METAL VERSION! -Ev- (7/7)
76. Me: Lap whore!
Elena: Whore in general.
77. Ev: Do they have 8 pack abs and huge guns, while still being lanky? That’s the king of guy I’d be gay for.
Johnine: You mean yourself!
78. Your circulatory system is disgusting. -Sarah Hackney-
79. NATHAN!!!! -Everyone-
80. I’m a better paparazzi than you are. -Vivian Qin-
81. Oh, good! Now I can pimp! -Ev- (7/8)
82. And as their tongues intertwined in the act of love, he thought about her sister. -Joe-
83. The art of striptease. -Sam-
84. The best way to stop someone from raping you; give consent. -Ian Mackinnon-
85. Today’s life lesson is about relationships. I’m a heterosexual, so I’m going to talk about guys. -Ryan the RA-
86. The Pascal’s Triangle Enthusiast Organization is plotting to kill me. -Joe-
87. Linguiztic skillz -written on blackboard by Sideshow-
88. *GROAN* -collective class reaction to “linguiztic skillz”
89. HUG IT!!!! -absolutely everyone that played Frisbee-
90. Sasha belly button raped me—actually he raped me in general. -Matt Da Silva-
91. So you’re Matt, I’m Joe, and Sean is the tree. -Matt-
92. I’m the High Priestess of the Dermites. -Caitlin Schutz-
93. Does anyone else feel like they’re in “Across the Universe” right now? -Mev-
94. Ian: You are quite attractive, Zoe.
Me: Th-
Ian: To bugs and Frisbees.
95. Yes, 42 is a good number, but if it means 1 more person can be included, 43 is even better. -Dan Salvato-
96. His blood is red, that mean’s HE’S A COMMUNIST! -Nick M.-
97. Stop raping me now! -Wes-
98. Is that a glowstick in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? -claim it-
99. Oh my god, this is Lancaster, not Mexico! -Wes-
100. Just pimp her and be done with it! -claim it-
101. He’s not random, he’s a ninja! -Ev-
102. You cannot undress me with your phallic umbrella. -Rachel-
103. I rape the floor in my spare time. -Stefanie Webb-
104. Hot Bo and Tom with Balls -typo on 7/10 activity sheet-
105. We’re being party escorts for sick people. -Christine- (7/10)
106. I’m incredibly creepy That’s why I’m singing this song I’m incredibly creepy I hope you sing along I have a-TROOOO-CIOUS SINGING I hope you do tooooooo That’s why I’m singing The CREEPY SONG to YOU! -Campbell Nilsen-
107. I would not sell this tie for under $1000 or gratuitous sexual favors. -Alex B.-
108. There’s nothing wrong with a little transvestite porn here and there. -Alex B. and Nathan-
109. I forgot to ka-chunk! -everyone-
110. Imagine how interesting this conversation would be if “kachunk” was an innuendo. -Zoe M.-
111. The site director is not a hallucination. -Joe-
112. I can see it now! www. hot sexybeetle porn .com! -Wesley Rian-
113. That’s a seal!! That’s a seal!!!! THAT’S A SEAL!!!!! -Wesley-
114. I grow faster than my hair does. -Wesley-
115. If you put a one time pad on that, it reads “Crypto Owns Latin.” -Sasha- (7/11)
116. Joe: Curse all you people who care about me! You make it much harder to shuffle off this mortal coil.
Sasha: I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! Ha! Whatcha gonna do now bitch?
117. At CTY, monogamy is best a loose suggestion, at worst a taboo. -Sean-
118. It’s your babushka! -Matt-
119. I LOSE! -everyone-
120. Ka-choink! That’s the sound of rhyming lines. -Christine-
121. Are we allowed to rhyme him with banjo? -Colin Stanfill-
122. Great, now I can’t remember how to spell visitor! -Max Weinberg-
123. Every time you “can has,” God kills a LOLcat. -Nick-
124. Doesn’t having only 42 balls violate some sort of ethics or humane code? -Sam, AI (Press Conference: Elena caught all the Pokemon)-
125. Come on people, give ethical treatment to vacuum cleaners! It's not their fault they suck! -Christine, AI (World’s Worst Protester)-
126. Today I will be protesting Scientology! *holds up speakers and Rickrolls AI circle* -Zoe M., AI (World’s Worst Protester)-
128. -There are 7 international ISPs.
- Yeah, one for every country.
- Canada, Europe, Africa, New York City, New Jersey, China, and South Korea!
-FCPS, 7/10/08 (Christine? Alex? Kate? Elena? Help me out on who said this?)

129. I’m going to be sterile by the end of this. -Wes- (7/12-SECOND SATURDAY)
130. Wes, can I feel you up again? -Matt-
131. I made my own bra! -Campbell-
132. Veer was flirting with me. In the bathroom. -Joe-
133. He’s wearing a girly wifebeater! -Daniel T.-
134. Joe: This one’s $20 an hour!
Sasha: In this dress, I’m free.
135. Sam’s doing my garter belt, can it wait? -Ev-
136. You are the sexiest criminologist ever! -claim it-
137. Star-FISHNETS! Lulz lulz lulz. -Dana-
138. Guys CAN make out with guys, even when they’re girls. -Elliah Heifetz-
139. Do your parents know of the existence of that dress? -claim it-
140. Make sure to do the elbow fuck! -Gabe-
141. Elbow SCHNADE! -unknown-
142. CCCKHANNIEMUFFIN! -Sasha and Joe-
143. The internet is for webcomics! -everyone- (RA walked in on Avenue Q singalong)
144. You are on the varsity Rocky Horror team! -Adam Roush-
145. Can I borrow the Surprise Buttsechs Battering Ram? -Sam G.-
146. You stepped on the most Holy and Orgasmic Quotebook! -Collin Stocks-
147. No fighting over phallic objects! -Nick-
148. Are you fighting over phallic stuff? Come on guys, there’s enough of me to go around. -Ev-
149. It’s not a quote per se, so much as an essence. -Trisha Koch-
150. Is your mask aroused? -Veer-
151. Pants aren’t really clothing. -Sam Bauman- (7/13)
152. (Catchphrase game) Me: It’s either a game or something you have done to you in the hospital!
Kate Wymbs: RAPE!
153. –Sex!
- Water bed!
- Rape on a water bed!
- Catchphrase blurts-
154. –Irresistible.
-Girl Scouts!
-Eww! Who’s the pedophile here?
155. (SLAM!) Is it dead? Is it dead yet? -DO NOT CLAIM!-
156.-Cursed megaphone!
-Schnading megaphone!
-Fob you, megaphone!
-assorted people-
157. Too many orgasms, not enough pictures! -Daniel T.-
158. Apparently I’m Jesus? -Ev-
159. Let’s find some other awkward places to put your bunny! -Stef-
160. Why is the word “true” on the cover of the National Examiner? -Colin-
161. Hey guys, look! I got salt! -Young-
162. Long-Cookie is Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(42 pages)oooooooooooooong…. -everyone-
163. That has got to be the most phallic cookie ever. -Nick-
164. Cookie consumed! Diabetes acquired! -claim it-
165. Thor’s pissed…on us! -Sean-
166. I just made direct contact with the tree, so I went to first base with it. -Joe-
167. Ev, why do you have duct tape on your crotch? -Zoe M.- (7/14)
168. –Miraj, there’s not enough room on the bus. You’ll have to be on the roof.
-No! I wanted the fun seat!
-claim it-
169. They need to get new employees at that Shell station every week. -Joe-
170. There’s all kinds of controversy, I call it Lefty TV. -Tour Guide McConnell-
171. And that’s commie speak for, “SHE’S A COMMIE!” -McConnell-
172. Those are Young Pioneers. They’re like Hitler Youth, only they look good in their dresses. -McConnell-
173. In our business, “world famous” means “loser.” -McConnell-
174. Me: Do you actually have OCD?
Sasha: No, it’s just my way of flirting with Joe.
175. Remember, Acting Improv is not 4Chan! -Ev-
176. I don’t have the Baudot code memorized. Minus five geek points. -Sideshow-
177. I was actually offended by that tour guide-my mom was one of those and I was like, “Thanks, now I feel like a Nazi.” -Sasha-
178. We have us a Limewire
To get ourselves our music
That’s all locked up with DRM
And hidden far away
We’ll download the music
Download us a cracker program
Bust open the DRM
And then we’ll shout “HOORAY!”
-Ev- (sing to verse 1 of “You Are A Pirate”) (7/15)
179. Oh, that’s what n00bs do. Real hackers WRITE the cracker programs! -Collin Stocks-
180. The Mecha Euclidean Algorithm. It’s not Euclidean. -Sideshow-
181. I’m not worried! I could make out with Frank Wang and he wouldn’t care! -Wes-
182. I can be a hacker anytime I want! -Julie-
183. You have a very pretty manwhore. -Zoe M.-
184. Stop trying to summon Frank Wang, Sasha. -Sean-
185. Subtlety is my enemy. -Sean-
186. Get omnipotent! -Sasha-
187. Fairy would like to point out that the player known as Pathological Liar just spit a huge wad of hallucinatory grass in my face! -Faye Elgart-
188. Do not throw shoes at Mr. Dictator! -Nick-
189. Articulate-articulate your....ts! Yurts! Small huts that are built in the mountains! -Nick-
190. We are missing a hallucinatory Curly. -Skip-
191. SO VIOLENT! -Nick- (repeated, during SF)
192. What-did-is-what-was-is-what-is-WHATEVER! -Nick-
193. Mr. Dictator, apparently, is a blonde. -Nick-
194. Hey Zoe, that’s a quote, right? (Nick gets whacked with quotebook) Guess not. -Nick-
195. I’m like a disproportionately small bouncer. -Colin-
196. My first year after CTY, I watched the entire second season of Will and Grace without stopping. And ate a couple of quarts of ice cream. It wasn’t good. -Caitlin Schutz-
197. I still swing my lanyard at night. -Austin-
198. I swing my lanyard at night too. -RA, name unknown-
199. First session is all about that family that everyone forms within the CTY community. Second is about the incest. -Ariel Hyre (whoever that is)-
200. That’s what I said. -Colin- (under Silent Football penance)
201. We will kill you with our hums! -Juliana Biro-
202. It’s Roush. Adam Roush. Sort of like Bond. James bond, but with more banjo. -Dana-
203. No handy joy! -Joe, AI-
204. You and Cthulhu! You’re cheating! And apples apples apples! -Ev-
205. Oh my God, you’re the devil! -Nick-
206. I’m a sketchy sexpot! -Daniel T.-
207. Dermot Cat is not amused. -Faye-
208. Run! Run for the sake of your un-lettered shirts! Run! -Christine-
209. There’s no ADD, only ABCD: Attention Buffalo Chicken Dinosaur! -Joe-
210. It’s hard to kill people with glitter. -Collin- (two Ls) (7/16)
211. Ermine solution. It’s what you get when you dissolve a small weasel, I guess. -Colin- (one L)
212. Baudot sounds like a Pokemon. -Sasha-
213. Baudot: The Hexadecimal Pokemon. Oh, wait, that’s Missingno. -Zoe M.-
214. I’ve done binary before you were…(long pause)…14! -Joe-
215. I don’t flinch! I’m a SPARTAN! -Steven Aucott-
216. Sean: Christine, how many drugs have you had today?
Joe: None. She hasn’t had her meds yet.
217. Sketch-tastical! -Ev-
218. No one backstage had a spare guitar strap, so this is made of my lanyard, some embroidery tape, and Dermot’s belt. -Sarah H.-
219. (hushed tones) This is Dermot’s hat. -Russian Sam-
220. Oh my. I hope Dermot’s not prancing around naked backstage. -Zoe M.-
221. My profile picture is the pretty girl with pink hair. I just wanted to make that clear. -Epic Fail singer-
222. Two tubgirls, one goatse. -Alex Lu-
223. Your mother was a Jynx! -Nick-
224. Anything in the Nick vs. Joe video, which will be posted on Facebook/Youtube soon.
225. All in all, for an asexual, I don’t have a bad track record. -Joe-
226. When I get back home, I’m going to tell my history teacher/17 that I sat on John Marshall’s lap. -Matt-
227. It’s the color of hugs! -Verity- (7/17)
228. I’m being subtle here… -Wes-
229. There are always bunnies fornicating in my hair. -Ev-
230. Sasha, did you bring your masochistic doll again? -Joe-
231. Ev: Sexy Hallucination would like to join the Universe!
Elena: Mr. Dictator, I see no such hallucination.
232. Would Matt Kim like some hallucinogens? -Dan Salvato-
233. Sam, the words “sweat” and “arousal” should not be in the same sentence from you! -Joe-
234. I just heard “chill” coming from someone who works for the government. My life is complete. -C-
235. It’s a hippie sensor bar. -Nick-
236. Every time you say that, it causes 20 miscarriages, -Nick-
237. You don’t get mono, you didn’t do it right. -written on Father grail- (7/18)
238. Sasha, you promised me that I would be your first one! -Joe-
239. This is Stripping Jester, signing off. -Dana-
240. Ev: Give me a minute, my legs are all stiff.
Claim it (or not): Anything else stiff there, Ev?
Random person: CTYI!
Random Person 2: CTY Ireland!
241. Matt: I learned how to wear a bra and tank top. I learned how to wear a miniskirt.
Ev: But not how to sit in one!
242. I could go on talking for a long time, but I really want to try this green stuff!
243. Narcoleptic ADD cats!
-unknown person at Passionfruit-
244, The first thing that went through my head when Dan said that we had 30 minutes was, “Oh my god, we could get a Dominos’ pizza delivered! -Little Pickle (awwww!)-
245. I now demand that we sing that in ADFGVX! -Joe-
246. Station 5 decrypts to: Go to Hartman Green, pick up a gun, and blow your brains out. -Joe-
247. I did has a cure, but I eated it. You can has cheezburger instead! -HDIS skit 1-
248. Oh no, she left her antibiotics behind. I’ll have to test the stool of everyone in the village! -HDIS skit 2-


250. They're making me be psychoanalyzed again because the Overlords believe I have outsmarted the psychoanalyst. -Daniel Tracht-
251. Okay, just so our parents let us come back next year, we're going to take off our TOWELS. -Dana Reback-
252. Now this question may seem a bit odd-ish, but... -Nick Marcou- (AI Press Conference-caught all the Pokemon)
253. You're more likely to be Rickrolled at CTY than on the actual Internet. -Dana-