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Go in the room, I have to go.

Hey everyone, this is Eric Putler aka Rico aka Poh Ewic.

uhh random shit about me:

-List of Demands by Saul Williams and Time To Pretend by MGMT are my 2 favorite songs -I am a Cal fan -I rep the yay(san fran bay) -I am a nevermore -I can play the digeridoo -Poppa Pucci was my only Lancaster RA -I am a Dualist -I have been to cty Hawaii -I have 2 eyeballs -I love asian girls -I love cty -I love the passionfruit

lemme know what ya'll think. i worked pretty hard on this profile

btdubs(and this is actually eric), wes wrote above stuff.i have no idea what the fuck a digeridoo is. though most of it is true.

i took philosophy of mind this year at lancaster 08.1. i am still confused. i took oceanography in hawaii 07.1

I am a legend.