Public Displays of Affection

From RealCTY
Revision as of 01:21, 8 August 2004 by (talk)
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As one of my RA's notably put it (I later borrowed from him when I became an RA), "All clothing should remain in place. And it's no excuse if s/he shows up naked."

LAN: Brief hugging is acceptable, leading to the well-circulated joke "10 seconds and you're pregnant!" Three-second close-mouth kissing is also acceptable.

The rule is possibly the result of arguably over-the-top behavior at Lancaster in 1985, but may have evolved independently at multiple sites over time.

LOS: As of 2004, there was no intertwining of anyone's legs. Technically, that was breaking rules. Also - holding hands was okay. Pecks were okay. Pecks on the mouth could not last longer than half a second. No making out. Hands must stay in "appropriate" places (this includes not grabbing asses while dancing). Freaking was not okay. Same sex grinding was fine.

Anyone else feel smothered?

Thankfully, these rules were not so well enforced, considering most of the RAs proceeded to break them all themselves.