Hello, fellow ctyers! I'm here to tell you about my cty situation (as put by 20.2 rave king Xander). You may know me (or you probably don't know me at all) as the girl who was always part of that frisbee circle in Easton 17.2, that squirrel that was always annoyed in Carlisle 18.2, and that girl that goes harder than her sister at the dances in Carlisle 19.2. CTY is my home away from home, and I feel like it's made me a better person. (follow me on instagram
east 17.2 - writing and imagination with Mr. R (he has a wikipedia page) and Miss Bri's a TA, Anna's hall
hallmates - eva (roommate), olivia, kamalani, uma, hong-zhou, madison, amita, smile, rachel classmates - eva, olivia, kamalani, uma, hong-zhou, christian
car 18.2 - international politics with Dan, Cthulu, and Tim (time all the time), Em's hall
hallmates - kate (roommate), lizzy, norah, anna, augusta, sensi, melinda, eleanor, harjas, sarah, renee, kayla classmates - kate, lizzy, norah, anna, augusta, sensi, xander, tej, ben, rit, mattvey, zachary, alex
car 19.2 - existentialism with Karl (<3) and Cody (cody *****), Arely's hall
hallmates - sensi (roommate), kate, livi, ingrid, bailey, sophia, rohini, yunah, alise classmates - sensi, kate, livi, ingrid, bailey, sophia, rohini, yunah, alise, braden, dylan, oliver, wesley, martin
mostly for my sake, but have fun reading
- sitting with my class and hall at every single meal (why, baby cty??)
- anna's bananas
- "feminism in sports !!"
- winky wu
- four square at breaks
- sestinas during hall time
- being called apple by everyone
- pun-off with Olivia
- breaking my phone screen
- walter's amazing weebils
- pedro x anna <3
- "that's a really good question..."
- flex tape
- eswatini
- real china
- tractor factories
- how to be a sith lord
- cambria
- being better at raving than 20.2 rave king Xander
- Côte d'Ivoire
- grapefruit from walmart
- "omg sharkboy, save me!"
- squirrel boi
- daily pickup lines
- de man(d) curves
- the wang family
- triangles
- fly up, thanos can't fly
- sid from ice age
- raj's iphone
- adidas
- kansas colorado nevada coyote
- is that your girlfriend?
- i jUsT wAnT sOmE fReSh vEgEtAbLeS
- being assaulted by venomous white caterpillars
- nikhnames
- prairie dogs in kansas
- xander stella starowobin
- abla fan club
- salt gang
i love cty and i love the passionfruit