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Hi guys! Hotyams here (oh, but my real name is Mia Hotsuki, so y'all can just use the names interchangeably mkay?) You can usually find me a) singing Hamilton songs at the top of my lungs b) crying over my pctyd c) eating d) watching netflix e) at the alcove (JOINUS) f) procrastinating. I'm a rising onemore at Lancaster; contact me through Facebook or Instagram (mia024_)!

I like you I love you I CTY you <3


Mt. Holyoke College (South Hadley): 13.1 (baby cty)

Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster): 14.1

Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster): 15.1

Courses Taken

13.1 (South Hadley): Science and Engineering

14.1 (Lancaster): Introduction to Biomedical Sciences

15.1 (Lancaster): Neuroscience

16.1 (Lancaster): Astrophysics??? (*prays*)

Dorms and Halls

13.1 (South Hadley): Janet's hall

14.1 (Lancaster): Thomas

15.1 (Lancaster): Thomas; Tymone's hall


OMG I love you so much MiaHotYams!!! You light up my day and are such an amazing person! Never give up! -Annie