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Hi, I'm Chelsea, also known as "orangecellocase" on PCTYD.


Baby CTY:

LOS.05.2.CODE.A (Lauren's hall)
LOS.06.2.BIOL (Lauren's hall)
LOS.07.2.PBIO (Sasha's hall)
LOS.08.2.ENGE (Lindsay's hall)

I've been going to Los Angeles, session 2 for all five of my years of CTY, and it's been amazing. Even the food, which I actually don't think is too horrible. I was a nevermore this year, but I'm planning to come back as a TA or something as soon as I can. I spend most of my free time on, usually in the chat.

So this year, I was part of the group of PCTYDers at LMU session 2 2008, which included Allegra (Kimcheeeee), Emma (Emmatheduck), and a whole bunch of other people. We were the people with flyswatters who had grorgies all over the place, lost the game with (to some, annoyingly) great frequency, carried on the "Hi Dane!" tradition started by LMU session one-ers, played Blammo (I won/tied both games), and danced only to Canon, which was played a lot more since we kept heckling the DJs and Jason Boring. I had the most fun I've ever had at CTY this year, so I'm suffering from correspondingly severe post-CTY depression. I CTY you all!