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Natalie Belkov


2008 Natalie attended the Loudonville/Siena Site the year before it was shut down. She and her group of friends enjoy saying "we're the reason they shut down Siena" even though it is obvious that there were multiple complications with the 'higher-ups' faculty and staff wise. Her roommate was Lucy Li. And her RA was Frances Kvietok. She took Introduction to Biomedical Sciences with teacher Nancy Sutphen and TA Christina Cozetto.

2009 Natalie spent her summer at the Saratoga Springs/Skidmore site and spent 2/3 of her time there on crutches. Natalie fractured her foot prior to arriving at camp and had a walking cast. But on the night of the firedrill, Natalie was in the shower when the alarm rang and had to hop down three flights of Howe/Rounds stairs in a bathrobe. She fell and further injured her foot resulting in the rest of her summer spent on crutches. Her roommate was Vy Le. And her RA was Beth Martin. She took Fast Paced High School Biology with teacher Sandy de waal Malefyt and TA Lauren Luchsinger. Natalie participated in the talent show playing/singing 'Blackbird' with Hannah Cashen, Eileen Wong, Lindsay Cheu, Helen Kong and Tammy Jin.

2010 Natalie attended her second summer at the Saratoga Springs/Skidmore site. Being her nevermore year, Natalie and her roommate Elena Byun were the 'mommies' of the hall. Her RA was Jackie Su. Natalie took Fast Paced High School Chemistry with teacher Art Frankel and TA Sharif Khan. Natalie finished a Vermonster along with Marika Brownlee, Rachel Zhu, Leah Forrest, Samir Goel, Elena Byun, Hannah Black and Peter Lobel. In the talent show, Natalie, along with Rachel Zhu, Marika Brownlee and staff members Cheryl Medley, Melissa Rashford and Steph Cogen played "No Ukes, No Problem", a 'mash-up' of songs arranged by Cheryl Medley. She participated in the soccer and ultimate frisbee tournaments, both events that teams MEG (Magnificently Erecting Goals) and DYNASTIC defeated the staff in.