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Hi :) For those who don't know me, I'm Megan. For starters, I live in China (which is super annoying because time difference ugh)

Although I'm technically a Four Year Fail, I could be a Six Year Psycho if for some glorious reason I go to the Global Issues or Civic Leadership Institute. (On another note, if anyone has been there, please email me about your experience)

Glowstringer. Blammo Player. Sherlock is love. I'm a freshman in high school. I'm also super friendly and outgoing. I love to meet new people, especially at CTY.

I'm a second sessioner. Confession: I wish I'd started CTY earlier.

Yeah ~

Courses I've taken:
Foundations of Psychology A '13
Cognitive Psychology '14

Courses I'm thinking about:
International Politics, Linguistics, Logic: Principles of Reasoning, and Philosophy of Mind (If you've taken any of these, I would love to hear from you)

Sites I've been to:
Santa Cruz (UCSC), Los Angeles (LMU), planning to attend Lancaster (LAN)

Emily Wiener
Bria Jackson


To sum it all up.

I like you, I love you, and I CTY all of you <3