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Hello!! I'm Keri and I am a CTYer at Lancaster and a babyCTY alum from Chestertown.


CHS 13.2: Model UN and Advanced Geography (RA Brittany)

LAN 14.1: Latin I (RA Caitlin)

LAN 15.2: Cognitive Psychology


-I was one of the first 10 people to join the Unpause (I was Kambodia)

-At LAN 14.1 I helped a girl named Ariana seduce a guy by playing Paramore's "The Only Exception" on guitar while she talked to him; it worked

-Music enthusiast

-Frequent attendee of GLOW and the Feminist Discussion activites

-Amateur raver

If you see me at camp, feel free to say hi!! I have short hair, glasses, and at some point I'll probably be playing guitar at quad time :))))