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Hi :) For those who don't know me, I'm Megan. For starters, I live in China (which is super annoying because time difference ugh)

Although I'm technically a Four Year Fail, I could be a Six Year Psycho if for some glorious reason I go to the Global Issues or Civic Leadership Institute. (On another note, if anyone has been there, please email me about your experience)

Glowstringer. Blammo Player. Sherlock is love. Grammar and Spelling Nazi. Freshman in high school. Super friendly and outgoing. I love to meet new people, especially at CTY.


Foundations of Psychology A '13
Cognitive Psychology '14
Latin 1 '15
Utopias and Dystopias B '15

Courses I'm thinking about:

International Politics
Logic: Principles of Reasoning
Philosophy of Mind


13.2 - Emily Wiener, Gauss
14.2 - Bria Jackson, Doheny
15.1 - Sana Chughtai, North Ben
15.2 - Bekah Waalkes, Schnader


Santa Cruz (UCSC), Los Angeles (LMU), Lancaster (LAN)



To sum it all up.

I like you, I love you, and I CTY all of you <3