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Hi I'm Cecilia Skinner Grant. I use she/her pronouns. My sibling is Julia Skinner-Grant, they went to 16.1 at LAN. I can kinda rave so any complete beginners can feel free to approach me to learn the basics. I would love to learn more raving though cause I'm still quite bad. Also, most of my friends aren't coming back so I'm really sad right now. See you guys at 18.2. (And possible 18.1) Oh, and if anyone wants to contact me they can email me at . Bye!

15.2 - CHS - Examining the Evidence

16.2 - LAN - Introduction to Biomedical Science

17.2 - LAN - Paleobiology (Emma's hall!!)

18.1 - LAN - hoping I can come for this session.

18.2 - LAN - probably nuero but idk.