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Sar 22.1 (FPHS Bio, Wilmarth 2, RA Q)

Leader of the Pokemon Go group. Clash Royale loading sound player.

yooo i'm going to lan 23.1 cog psych too bad sar is closed :(((

some random thoughts on sar 22.1

Foood: i loved the food. breakfast in the mornings, i would typically rush (except for that one time i had an ISO and woke up real late) to get the cold oatmeal with peach. idk, i just loved that shit. I also fondly remember me and my pokemon go friends fighting over the fruit section, as they typically only had 2 metal buckets (they weren't really trays) of fruit. i also remember enjoying the vegan hash, that shit was insane. something weird that i enjoyed were the on-the-go chocolate silk soy milk. i had like 2 per morning usually. lunch i actually don't remember lunch as well as the breakfasts, due to me and my friends playing games. i do remember them serving a lot of pork chops and fast food. for the first and final weeks, there were ice cream and i had like 2 sandwiches per day. me and my friends made some sort of pact that i wouldn't eat junk food and i somehow was able to come through. dinner the vegetables were delicious, and it was the only time the asian bar was open (i think). the asian bar had a custom rice noodle bar on some days, and on others it had orange chicken. it was mid, but it was wayyy better than my CA free lunch food. i'd also go to the salad bar somedays, and ate a ton of boiled eggs, tofu, and edaname. for fruits, they had fresh cut watermelon.

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