Cult of Godzilla

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This is the Cult of Godzilla!


In Carlisle, Session 1, 2006, a cult was formed. This cult was called the Cult of Godzilla. The origin of the cult was as such:

One day in Ancient Greek class, an example was given to be translated into English. It was: "The mistresses sacrifice the maidservants to Godzilla." The cult was formed by the name, and the friends of the original members of the cult were inducted.


Members: A list of all members of CuoGo, with nicknames. If I missed you, or a nickname, just edit it in.

Danny Martin:

  • Yo Yo Man
  • Yo Yo Ma
  • String Dude

Sarah Goldberg

  • Tigg(Many adjectives were added to this, such as The One and Only Almighty Tigg)
  • Girl-With-A-Crown

(Together, the previous two were also known as the couple in denial, though they are no longer in denial.)

Olivia Li

  • NoT
  • Namer of Things
  • AT (Asker of Things)
  • CoB (Caller of Blasphemy)
  • AL (Abbreviation Lady)
  • !

Emily Ehrenberger

  • Thing Two
  • Thing Too
  • Thing Also
  • Turtle
  • Clone
  • Turkle
  • Stranger
  • Thing 2
  • Other Emily
  • Emily with a "y"

Reggie Viezel

  • Veggie
  • Vegetable
  • Regetable
  • Reggie the Wedgie Veggie Weasel of DOOOOOOOM
  • Spawn of the Jewish Satan
  • Fred
  • Wet Wedgie
  • Pimp Reggie
  • The Beta Female
  • Freggie
  • Edward
  • Veg
  • The Duct Tape Prince of the Beatnik Vegetable Hippies
  • Stallion
  • Supie (alternate spellings: Soupy, Supi)
  • The Guy With The Hair
  • Reginald (how is this a nickname? it's his given name!)
  • Regina (drag day name)
  • Short Kid
  • Emily's Boyfriend
  • Satan's Abortion
  • Foofy
  • Foofy Hair Guy
  • The Dude of Many Names
  • Nald
  • Blue
  • Emo Poestry

(The previous two were also known as the couple in not denial.)

Sarah Rogers

  • SaraR
  • Zim


  • Señorita Sacapuntas
  • Besst
  • Sonata (which nobody called me, but it was my official nickname)
  • Dodo


  • Gecko
  • Archibald's Mommy


  • Combined, the Twins

Paul Kim

  • Innapropriate Man
  • Honorary Dirty Old Man
  • The Man in the Hat


  • Almighty Bob


  • Bryophite


  • Euripedes Pants Eumenides Pants

(If I missed you, add yourself in. I'm just lazy.)


The Game.

The Game was a game played by the Cult. Of course, everyone is playing The Game, but all members of the Cult had recognized as such. The rules of the version of The Game that the Cult played are as follows: 1. You are playing The Game. 2. If you remember you are playing the game, you lose the game. 3. All losses of the game must be announced. 4. After losing the game, there is a 30 minute grace period, in which you cannot lose the game. 5. If you die within this period, you lose forever. 6. If you win within this period, you get a point. RA Ian is winning The Game, with 5 points, as he's been pronounced clinically dead 5 times. Also, if you haven't by now, you lose the game.

Kill Murray / Save Murray

Kill Murray / Save Murray is a game introduced by Matt and Drew as an activity. Danny attended this activity, as other culters may have, he doesn't know, and spread its wonder to the rest of us.

It is a game played by two people, on a piece of paper and three markers, or, if these aren't available, can be played verbally. These are the rules and story of KM/SM.

Once there were two gods, one evil and one good. The evil god made a bet with the good god, "I bet I can kill Murray, and there's nothing you can do to stop me". The good god accepted his challenge. Murray is a hapless human being who just thinks these deaths and savings are just random occurences of his life. These are the rules to KM/SM.

  1. The evil god wields a red marker, and the good god uses a green marker. Murray is a stick figure drawn with a brown marker.
  2. The evil god must draw something that will kill Murray. The good god must then draw something that will save Murray.
  3. If the evil god fails to do something that will kill Murray, or the good god fails to save him, that player loses.
  4. Murray cannot be given godlike powers, or have unexplained magical effects happen to him, such as, "Murray stops falling to his death, and floats in the air."
  5. There is a time limit. If either player cannot think of something, that player loses. Usually about 10 seconds. A player has to be drawing or talking sensibly to stop the timer; just saying, "Um..." won't help.
  6. No unstoppable force may be used. Murray cannot have magical armor that weighs nothing, fits him perfectly, cannot be destroyed, cannot be taken off, and prevents him from dying. Murray also cannot just be transported straight to Hell by the devil, killing him.
  7. You may not invoke other gods, or godlike beings. (Really? Does anyone else remember the game with Taylor eventually invoking Pele?)
  8. It is best to play with an audience, which then serves as a judge, telling players if their solution is unlawful, they've run out of time, or anything else.

One Card Milard

One Card Milard is, as you may have guessed, a card game. There are 3 rules we are allowed to tell: 1. You may not discuss the rules. 2. There is no rule number two. 3. You may not get frustrated with the rules. To learn more, play the game with the Cult.

Silent Football

Silent Football is merely linked to because the Cult hasn't added its own rules to it, so there's no need to describe it. See Silent Football.