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Revision as of 21:49, 17 October 2006 by Spacedragonblue (talk | contribs)
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New CAR-2-06. This class was awesome if totally not following the course description (something that half the class was bugged by, half the class kinda apathetic about.) Basically, we looked at different movements in American history and connected them, looking at the tactics they used... also killed a lot of trees to read dissenting literature and such. Very useful for anyone interested in movements/American history.

Dissent rocked! But be warned: in our year, the first year, it was American-based. The description on the CTY website has been changed to show this. Overall, though, it was a beyond spiffy history course, and the people were amazing.

The instructors and students of Dissent were also known, in Carlisle Session 2 '06, to be incredibly competitive when it came to childhood playground games such as duck duck goose, Simon Says, Red Light Green Light, and most importantly, SPUD, which was given top priority by the class. At the beginning of the session Dissent challenged classes like Greek and Latin to games, but when they defeated all of their foes without contest, including a rather embarrasing win over Game Theory at Simon says, the dissenters just chose to play SPUD amongst themselves.

SPUD was much loved by the class, even those who didn't play. McKenzie Hull, who was also passionfruit emperor, was the undefeated champion.

Also during the class, David invented the word "goregasm", and the class spread the good word of Al Gore throughout CTY.

Instructor Cory
TA Pat
Both of the Dissent teachers were Uber cool, and although Pat was called the TA from Purgatory, he must have been from a really spiffy side of purgatory.

Much of this course was spent watching movies, including:

  • Birth of a Nation: Gore!(Racist)
  • Modern Times: Gore! (Bumbling)
  • Control Room: Gore! (Jounalistic)
  • The Weather Underground: Gore (Anarchistic)
  • Iron Jawed Angels: Gore! (Feminist)
  • An Inconveinent Truth: Gore! (Al)