Hall of Shame:SAR

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2005.1 -- "The Peeing Bandit"

At Skidmore College, Session 1, 2005, there was a bandit on the loose. During the last week, a boy decided to pee all over the bathroom wall. The next day, all the guys were called to a meeting, at which the RAs proceeded to threaten the guys with horrible things if no one confessed. Shortly after the meeting, the bandit struck again, and two more bathrooms were destroyed. The RAs brutally took away quad time for all the guys. The girls were in an uproar, and rumors started to circulate that the last dance was at stake. That night, the bandit struck for the last time, but was not caught. After intensive interrogations, the RAs gave up. All privileges were re-instated, but we never found out who the peeing bandit was. It might remain a CTY mystery forever.

2006.1 -- Pop Your Collar Day

It was already decided by the majority of the nevermores of 2006, the former emperor of 2006, and all 4 new emperors and empresses of 2007 that Pop Your Collar Day will not be continued.

  • Thank god!

2006.2 -- Superstars Game Cancelled

NOTE: The shame is NOT the team, but the SHAME of the game being cancelled. The Pretentious Inuits (Saratoga Session 2, '06), captained and assembled by James B, were an all star soccer team. They were more than qualified to beat the staff for what would have the ONLY Skidmore '06(both Session I and II) student win. Inspired and brought together by RA Meng's (pronounced Mung) quest for decency, PI, as some called them, were ready for a win. But when the nurse declared playing soccer in 98 degrees too dangerous, the student-staff game was off.

Inuit's Roster:
Nevermores: Mike S., Bonny G., Anthony, Veda
The Rest: Aseem M., Sam S., 'Pip', James B., Wande O., Eric C., Ian ?, Jane C., Gaby G., Brian M., and Jarett.

GO INUITS 2007!!!!!!!!!

2006.2 -- Near Ramen Fire

At Skidmore '06 session 2, a Crafting the Essay A student - Brandon Kim, caused two fire alarms to ring. On the night of the first saturday, Putting on the Ritz Casino Night, we, the boys of Rounds 3, were leaving. He was leaning against the wall. He slid down, hitting the fire alarm. Next, on the second tuesday, he was to lazy to go to breakfast, and thus proceeded to make ramen that he bought on a sunday town trip. He left for a minute, and (nobody is actually sure) he apparantly microwaved it on high, without much water. This resulted in the entire room filling with smoke, sending the fire trucks in and destroying the microwave (the cord was cut by the fire department. Until the end of CTY this year, he was known by people he had never met before as 'Ramen Man' and 'kid who burned ramen'. There have been fires at Skidmore, but RAMEN???? There have been instances where someone may have overheated popcorn and caused the firemen to arrive but for someone to get the firemen there twice in one session deserves to be in the hall of shame.

2006.2 -- A Whole New World

During Quad Time, couples liked to go to the small quad in front of Case to talk and make out and such because it's away from what was temporarily the main quad due to construction. The small quad has quite a few trees and each couple had their own tree to do their thing. Usually the RAs just walk around, shine their flashlights here and there, and just in general keep a watchful eye over everyone without disturbing them much. But during second session, two RAs decided it would be fun to surprise and publicly humiliate friskier couples by singing A Whole New World at the top of their lungs. Not only was it annoying to the couple being "serenaded", it was an annoyance to everyone else because the RAs weren't exactly the best singers.