Harry Potter

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Harry Potter is widely read by most CTYers and could be called an obsession. This especially came into play during Session 2 of 2005, when the 6th Harry Potter book had been released the day before CTY started. Although some CTYers stayed up reading the entire book the night before CTY, many brought it with them to camp and proceeded to spend the next week or so reading it. This mass reading was greatly promoted by at least one "Silent Reading" activity per day.

At Carlisle, Harry Potter spoilers were declared contraband by the RAs and site director, who had not finished reading it yet. Nevertheless, spoiler fear ran rampant and terrorized those who had not yet read the book, spurring them on to even greater reading speeds even as "Harry Potter Discussion Group" became an official activity.

At Hawaii, the shipment of books was delayed, and an anouncement was made that no students were allowed to talk about it. I'm not sure if the books ever arrived, but the adults of the campus borrowed books from everyone else.

It is not true that the shipment to hawaii was delayed. Craploads of books were at Sam's Club the morning it came out. And everyone had a copy. Most of the adults had their own copy, but some had to borrow it (Sara:-)). A common afternoon activity was silent reading (althoug it might have been because of the fact that the RA's were lazy). We also annoyed people by talking very loudly about what happened (and who died). ---T. M.

I can vouch for this. I was too young for CTY then, but I was on vacation with my Aunt there, and we went at midnight to get the book.

It should be noted: At the begining of Carlisle Session 2 05, Bret (Site Director) said "And Spoilers are against the rules! If I hear you telling someone that Malfoy dies...." *audible gasps, screams of fury, tears* "Hey, I'm kidding. I haven't even started it yet."

He also told of a student from when Ootp came out (Session 03, I suppose) who fell down the stairs of the HUB whilst reading the book and broke his arm. Potter kills.