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Land of the Large Round Tables

Dining room 4 in Lancaster, a group of people named after dining room four, a mailing list named after the group of people named after dining room four, and lots of memories.

The social group of LLRT came into existence, I believe, in the mid-1990's and lasted until around 2000, at which point it began to dissolve and make way for the Alcove. During its lifespan it went through two generations: one that co-existed (and sometimes rivaled with) Digiclan and one that resulted from the first generation's merger with Digiclan around 1997 (again, I could be wrong about the exact dates).

Like many other Lancaster Student Groups, LLRT embraced and to perpetuated Lancaster traditions. It was enamoured of sporks, llamas, and, of course, Monty Python. It would also sometimes order shirts at the end of the session (known as "LLRT shirts", with the names of members printed on the backs.

LLRT also had some of its own practices. For example, when one large round table grew increasingly full, LLRTers/LLRTians would crowd chairs around it and then start trying to sit in each others' laps, until they were stopped by staff members. Lines for the more popular forms of cafeteria food were notoriously long, and members of LLRT would often grab huge plates of fries or chips (known as "tabular fries," "tabular chips," etc.) to be shared by all.

Another apparently unique LLRT "tradition" involved one person asking another to bring them something from the cafeteria lines, such as mint chocolate chip ice cream. The person asked then attempted to fulfill this request as literally and ridiculously as possible, gathering candy mints, ice, milk, and potato chips into a bowl and then presenting it to the original requester.

LLRT held reunions, most notably on Labor Day and New Year's Eve; these reunions no longer occur with any regularity and do not enjoy a very large attendance if and when they do. It also had its own email list, which, aside from a few spurts of emails per year, is also, sadly, defunct. However, many LLRTers still keep in touch with each other on an individual basis.

Dining Room 4 ceased to exist in 2004, when Franklin and Marshall College renovated its dining hall; the room was closed off and converted into a dining hall for special occasions. Of course, by this point, the social group known as LLRT had long since ceased to exist. Interestingly, during LLRT's day, the room now known as the Alcove was already then known as either the Alcove or "Mini-LLRT".