
From RealCTY
Revision as of 16:58, 8 April 2011 by Fuzieq! (talk | contribs)
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hi. my name is fuzieq. people normally think im joking, but im not. i promise :D also, its pronounced like fuzzy. not fooozeekkk. the silent q is there because i thought it might be fun. also, because people kept pronouncing it ffooozzzeee. i thought adding a q might lead people to being so confused about the pronounciation that they would just ask me what it was before saying fooozzzeeeee. CTY is my life and the best thing that ever happened to me :D

I like you. I love you. I CTY you.

LAN.9.2.GRK1- LAN.10.2.MIND- LAN.11.2.THEO- LAN.12.2.????

And she's fuzzy too -Matt Kolosick

FUZIEQ, I CTY YOU. <3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307..., Jackie Liu