Wanna buy a duck?

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"Wanna buy a duck?" is an odd game that starts with one person asking "Wanna buy a duck?" to somebody. Then they respond (as in example 1), and once you reach the end, the person who was asked asks someone else, in a way that forms a long chain.

This game is somewhat popular at Lancaster because of the Duck. It has also spawned many spinoff games.


Person 1: Wanna buy a duck?

Person 2: A what?

Person 1: A duck!

Person 2: Does it quack?

Person 1: Of course it quacks!

Person 2: Lemme hear it quack.

Person 1: QUACK!


Person 2: Wanna buy a duck?

Person 3: A what?

Person 2: A what?

Person 1: A duck!

Person 2: A duck!

Person 3: Does it quack?

Person 2: Does it quack?

Person 1: Of course it quacks.

Person 2: Of course it quacks.

Person 3: Lemme hear it quack.

Person 2: Lemme hear it quack.

Person 1: QUACK

Person 2: QUACK

Person 3: (to another person) Wanna buy a duck?

Other versions:

Wanna buy an orgy? (A what, an orgy, does it moan, of course it moans, lemme hear it moan, *insert moan here*)

Wanna buy a Dietz? (a what, a Dietz, does it suck, of course it sucks, lemme hear it suck, tunak tunak tun tunak tunak tun tunak tunak tun da da da)

Wanna buy a Stager? (A what, a Stager, does it hop, of course it hops, let me hear the children inside of it as it hops, whhhhAAA BUMM) [refering to the frog-shaped academic building. The last response should be the sounds of the children and then the thump as the building hits the ground]

Wanna buy a Rosie? (a what, a Rosie, is she lost, of course she's lost, lemme hear her be lost, rosssieeeeeee)
[reffering to Rosie Brown after disappearing during Rocky Horror practice LAN 06.2]

Wanna buy a Noelle? (a what, a Noelle, is she hyper, of course she's hyper, let me hear her be hyper, COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE!!)