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Skidmore Ten While the consequences the Skidmore 11 received were harsh, the punishment for sneaking out was standard. The administration was doing their jobs by dismissing them from camp. These are the rules and policies abided (is that even a word?) by other sites to maintain health and safety of everyone. However, during 2012.1, ten campers of different combinations each night snuck out thrice with extensive planning and agile stealth (which is completely evident because they even stealthily left their initials, which were effortlessly traced to names); all prior to the Skidmore 11 incident and never got caught. The bonding that took place over the course of these nights and resulted in the best of memories only the Skidmore 10 can understand. Two boys were even brought into Penfield one night and got away with it thanks to their gorgeous lady friends (while bothering the crap out of the lady friends' neighbors, as they were not exactly silent). It is the Skidmore 10 that deserve a spot on the Hall of Shame rather than eleven amateurs who had no idea what they were up for. Eric Chen, Danielle Gutman, Hannah He, Alex Libby (sorry Libby, I've got nothing against you, but please keep your subordinates under a tighter check), Nicole Cook, Ryder Olle, Abigail, Derek Simshauser, Ben Attal, Ryan Simshauser It should be mentioned that one person from the "Skidmore eleven", M.P., was not an amateur but rather a member of this group, successfully sneaking out on multiple occasions. She was caught because of the all boy group on the top of the Tang who 'accidentally' sold her and her friends out to the SRA's.

Note from Jesus: "Shadow", with all due respect, stop sipping on the hater-ade. The hubris of the Skidmore Ten (plus 1) is due to the unreal accomplishments/bonding that occurred during 2012.1. These feats will live on forever, setting the standard for generations of campers who can aspire to emulate the intrepidness of the Skidmore Ten. So from all of us up here in heaven we would just like you to stop refilling your plate with hater-tots and start drinking some respect-juice. Hasta la Vista, Jesus Note from Shadow: "Jesus", if I'm sipping on hater-ade, then you must be chugging it down as if your life depended on it. Please remember this: you have never seen, heard of, let alone accomplished what a camper would describe as an "unreal" event. If you did, you would not have to broadcast it to everyone so desperately; I expect the feat would have spoken for itself, correct? Best, Shadow Note from Jesus: "Shadow", You raise some good points but now you remember this: If I, Jesus, were to have broadcast that I had successfully snuck out of my dorm to meet friends and then told people what unreal events had transpired, I and ten others would have been instantly exiled from camp. Now on a lighter note, I'm not sure if you're interested but this is a great site to get tees+tanks for summer. http://www.swell.com/Mens-Tees, Enjoy. Toodles, Jesus P.S. Remember this as well: "Honeys play me close like butta played toast, from the Mississippi down to the East Coast" Words of wisdom Dear Jesus, I greatly appreciate you including the site for men's tees. I found my new look for the summer! Now onto you "Antistar": I'm not sure who you think protested but I fear that you are sadly mistaken. I skipped some lunch to give Kenny and Liz a piece of my mind when they kicked out the legendary Skidmore 11 but frankly that's the most protesting I saw/heard. However, if you held some kind of underground railroad type protest during the cover of night then I applaud you. I would next like to address who you think the hater-ade sipper is. I could not possibly have drunken hater-ade as I was the one who did the act so are you insinuating that I am jealous of myself? Glad we cleared that up. Thirdly, I enjoyed the hater-tots insult, however, last time I went to get a new package the arrogance-free version was sold out so I had to settle for low-sodium. Sorry. Look on the bright side though, I did lower my cholesterol, and frankly I think that's an "unreal event" that we can all enjoy! Finally, I understand that sneaking out itself isn't impressive. For instance, I often went on nightly strolls on the pond to clear my head though I gotta admit, the ducks there are super annoying. However, its the frequency of the sneaking out and the events during it that make it legendary. It's cool though, we here up in heaven forgive you for removing the post and we understand that hater-ade can be a potent beverage. I would recommend that you, being mortal, not trifle with such sizzurp. Catchya on the flip side, Jesus P.S. There's room in our stretch limo for a couple more disciples, "antistar". Feel free to hop on the band wagon just like 2 billion other people have. I'll save you a seat ;) Note to all you people arguing: Neither Kenny, Liz, or even Site Director David made the decision to kick the kids out. The JHU Administrator Mike Chin made the decision. So the fact that there were people supposedly protesting against them made absolutely zero sense. Also I was there like the other 200 kids. In fact one of them was from my hall. There was no massive protest or demonstration that took place. So why people feel the need to make up stuff to sound cool is beyond my school of thought. I really have no idea what you all are arguing over. Yeah, I agree with the guy above, and also 'Jesus.' So Arichin, and whoever Shadow is, stop arguing. the protest never happened, and the Skidmore 11 are no more legitimate than the Skidmore 10. Both arguments are decidedly stupid. Note from antistar; There are reasons that this article doesn't belong in the Hall of Fame: the event was inclusive to a small group and was not well known throughout the camp. The best part of the article is when it claimed that the so called "Skidmore Ten" deserved a spot in the Hall of Fame unlike the Skidmore Eleven. There's one key part that your "haterade" drunken brain seems to not understand; the Skidmore Eleven is in the Hall of Fame not because of the act of sneaking out itself, it's because of the unique way the camp responded and managed to allow the Skidmore Eleven to say goodbye. Also, sneaking out isn't particularly impressive. So maybe you should try drinking a low-hubris version of "haterade" or arrogance juice, since the acts weren't "legendary" nor something that will be the dreams of future campers to achieve. Most likely, it'll die before the end of second session this year. So maybe next time when you buy "hater tots", check if there's an arrogance-free version, with some added intelligence for help. Regards, antistar. FEAR THE TREE! -Stanford Motto Guys, get a room. Your taking up space with your useless bantering. If you want to argue, at least have the decency to post in the discussion. ~ Past CTYer