Hall of Fame:SAR

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1994 -- Terry Is God

In 94 at Saratoga, an RA named Terry Olson became the God figure of a small cult. This came about when Terry broke his leg while demonstrating a dance for his RA group that he wanted them to perform during the mandatory Lip Synch that year. Several members of his RA group hailed him as a martyr and soon elevated him to a deity. To spread their "religion," Terryism, they performed a skit at the Talent Show, with an insert in the program about http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/6140/cty/terryisgod.html Terryism] Also, later, they altered their CTY t-shirts to read "The Center for Terryistic Youth." Easily one of the strangest things to happen at CTY, it deserves a place in the CTY Hall of Fame.

1995.2 -- The Chair Sculpture

In the Writing 2A class room at SAR-2-95, there was an interesting artifact. In the back of the room, there was a large, pyramid shaped sculpture made entirely of chairs, the kind with desks attached. It appears the creators, Ben and Bailey, thought that there were too many chairs in the classroom, and got them out of the way by piling them precariously on top of one another. Rumors of the sculpture spread and soon many CTYers were making pilgrimages to see it. Though it was dismantled at the end of the session, it earned a place in the CTY Hall of Fame.

1995.2 -- Ug

Ug. First presented in a magnificent commercial preformed by Josh, Kevin, Ben, Bailey, Nathanael, and Chip at SAR-2-95, Ug was carried over to CAR-1-96 by Josh and Yours Truly. Ug is wonderful work of art, made from a old bed spring. Yes, Ug truly deserves a place in the CTY hall of fame.

1996.1 -- The Gummie Bear House of Horrors

The second floor Kimball hall at Saratoga 1996-1 saw an excellent example of the weirdness that CTY can induce this session. Following a sunday trip into Saratoga Springs, construction was begun by students Daniel Terry (astronomy), Michael Tolan (Math), et al. on "The Gummi bear House of Horrors." This frightening exhibit took the remainder of the first session to complete, including around 40 examples of mutilated sugar. Among these bears were "Ritualistic Satanic Sacrifice Bear" and "Jeffery Dahmer Bear" as well as a bear mashed into the carpet, and one nailed to the door (hammers are good things to have at CTY). Also adorning the room was a sign proudly proclaiming "Don't Feed the Rinas."

1997 -- No Biting The Signs

At Skidmore in 1997 the administration was making new rules left and right. People were having new rules created for them such as "No dancing in the rain," "Don't Make an Idiot of Yourself" and "No stuffing bras" so Jeremiah and Tim decided they wanted a rule of their own. The solution was to bite all those handy rule sheets and signs the RAs posted around our dorm. Soon it caught on and several other degenerates were chomping on the signs. Eventually the powers that be got sick of it and decided that was enough. They called a meeting before one of the dances and asked for the vandals to fess up, rather than ruin a perfectly good dance for all the guys, they confessed and claimed temporary insanity. Luckily, no one got in trouble. But out of this event came a new rule, "No Biting the Signs," and a new entry in the CTY Hall of Fame.

2000 -- "Free Lee-Kai"

In 2000 at Saratoga, this kid Lee-Kai was caught in the girls' dorm. When he was caught, he apparently pulled a condom out of his pocket and said, "At least I was being safe!" The next day he was locked in an administrative office and wasn't allowed to see or talk to anyone. Everyone hung around the window of the office to see him, and he was passed food through the window. When his supporters were seen, the authorities moved him somewhere he couldn't be found. Almost immediately, people started chanting "FREE LEE-KAI!" Then, the sidewalk chalk came out. All over the walkways and even the side of the building under the office windows, everyone wrote "Free Lee-Kai" on the building walls. When the RAs dutifully washed it off, his supporters skipped dailys and stood outside the windows chanting and writing even more. The administration got pissed, but some people got to say goodbye to Lee-Kai. The movement earned itself a spot in the CTY Hall of Fame.

Edit: Though the Skidmore staff hate the chalk writing on the brick surfaces, as it is almost impossible to get off, some CTYers were still writing "Free Lee-Kai" on multiple buildings at least two years after the incident.

Edit: Lee-Kai Wang returned as an RA in Lancaster '04. Wonder how he landed that job?

I can't believe that some of the biggest legends not only happened during my time at CTY, but that they were two of my best friends! Aw man. Free Lee-kai. -Heidi Vanderlee, Saratoga '01

Heidi, you are such a dork. Love, lk

Session 2, 2007 Lee Kai actually made a return to Skidmore. He met up with us on our way back from the second town trip and even stayed long enough to join in a quad-time game of fruit (he was "Tomato"). Needless to say, his presence left a great impression on all of the nevermores, nomores, and everyone else that took the initiative to introduce themselves to him. Lee-Kai is a true CTY-Skidmore legend.

2000 -- Jon Good

Jon Good was a nevermore at Saratoga in 2000, and during the second session, signed up for the Random Acts of Senseless Kindness weekly, and was given sidewalk chalk and told to write nice things. Jon found the busiest sidewalk intersection in the quad and wrote "Jon Good Loves You" in huge letters in the path. Within a week, "Jon Good Loves You" was written in chalk all over campus, sometimes by him, but more often by other CTYers. In his honor, his name became part of the American Pie chant; the line "And the three men I admired most/ the father, son, and the holy ghost," has acquired the callback "and Jon Good!" Jon is also alleged to have been the first to write "Free Lee-Kai" in chalk on buildings.

Also, because Jon was Jon, he wrote it in masking (or duct?) tape on his window. For some reason I feel like it was masking tape, but I think that's only because it was the same year Deke's Love Tape (ie the girlfriend of Jesse Cross-Knickerson of "all the girl and half the guys are in love with..." fame) was revived, so there was a lot of masking tape around. Also, on the post above, Heidi and LK, you are both such dorks. - Willa SAR 98.2-01.2

I was a first year during the famous Jon Good Loves You session, and returning as a TA five years later, was amazed to see people still writing it on construction paper and posting it around during RASK. Those who could not possibly have been at CTY during the time of Jon Good. A true legend. - Rachel SAR 00-03, TA 06

The phrase "Jon Good loves you, and your mom, twice" also developed that summer. Jon Good was also Scary Spice in a Spice Girls lip-sync (I think 98.2). His top was a bare-midriff tank top made of duct tape with a British flag in the center. Apparently current students doubt the existence of Jon Good. Also-Willa, you're also a dork, which is why we love you. -Farin SAR 97-00

2005.1 -- Mulan Final Song

After American Pie was played at the last dance of Skidmore 2005 and 2006 Session 1 everyone prepared to return to their dorms. However, right before announcements by the SRAs to instruct everyone to return back to their dorms RAs Lee (2005) and Jesse(2006) played the song "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from the movie Mulan upon the request of Edwin Ma (2005,2006) and Andrew Yu (2005). Due to the enormous enthusiasm and applause during and after the song it was decided that "I'll Make a Man Out of You" was to be made Canon and will be played every Skidmore session 1 after American Pie at the last dance.

A note from rmd: The Pop Culture Class of Skidmore Session 1 2006 found it extremely hilarious that this was played because we had watched Mulan to analyze and write an essay on. And, if anyone remembers, we did sometimes break out into singing "The Man Song," except all "you"s we changed to "Yoon" (mysterious as the dark side of the YOON) for our good friend, Michael Yoon (and any other CTYer with the last name Yoon). Some people in our class thought that this song was played especially for us, though I do remember Andrew Yu requesting it last year. And I agree, this must become a canon.

Note: It is also known that Edwin Ma had argued and fought for some time to get the staff to allow the Mulan song to be played after American Pie. Due to the fact that Skidmore 2006 had only 2 returning RAs no staff member remembered the playing of the Mulan song in 2005 and they did not believe that a song should be played after American Pie. However, after days of arguing with the staff on whether or not the song was to be played Edwin Ma finally brought it up to the dean of residential life Mike Chin who remembered the song being played last year. Edwin Ma brought the CD with him to the last dance and Mike Chin confronted the staff who refused to let the song play. The staff gave in and before announcements were made they played the song and it was decided that the song was to be made canon and played at the last dance after American Pie. Edwin's last wish was that when Edwin and Andrew return as RAs the tradition would still be upheld without the help of Edwin and Andrew themselves.

A similar argument happened Session 1, 2007 as again there were only two returning RA's and even fewer returning administration. After many nevermores brought up the subject with RA Jack (DJ and former Skidmore CTYer), Jack finally gave in and "I'll Make a Man Out of You" was played as the last song of the last dance.

Thanks to the efforts of the 2007 nevermores and returners, it has been solidified that "I'll Make a Man Out of You" will remain as a Skidmore Session 1 Tradition. My thanks to everyone who went in 2007 that let this tradition live on. -Edwin Ma

2006.1 -- Ceriously Talented Youth

Skidmore hosts two ballet schools at the same time of CTY, and CTYers have a less than friendly relationship with these rinas and rinos. Although the exact circumstances are uncertain, one such rina, the famous Ashley Anne, was quoted as having asked RA Stefan "What does CTY even stand for? Ceriously [sic] Talented Youth?" which soon spread around the campus, causing hilarity to ensue among CTY students. Along with synergy, it was used in context at any given chance. For sheer idiocy and perpetuation of the CTY-rina relationship, this deserves a spot in the hall of fame.

Note: As a result of the CTY-ers love of mocking the Rina's, Session 1 06 started Rina Day where everyone dressed up as Rina's.

The site director (Bill) at the beginning of the session used synergy numerous times in his welcome speech, hence synergy everywhere. May the synergy live on.

2006.1 -- Pirate Day

There was a toned down version of a Pirate Day (see the Hall of Fame: JHU) in Skidmore Session 1 2006. This was started by a nevermore named Edwin Ma who wished to honor a close friend of his named Andrew Yu who was unable to return in 2006. This was created due to the fact that Ninja Day (Sucessfully done in 2005 started by Andrew and Edwin) was cancelled because SRA Felicia said that students were not allowed to cover their faces. Andrew Yu was recognizable in 2005 Session 1 due to the fact that he wore a bandanna on his head like a Pirate everyday, so in Skidmore alongside End of the World Day a large group of people wore either bandannas or a t-shirt around their heads pirate style for what Edwin called "Pirate/Andrew Yu Day". Coincidently due to the fact that so few people had bandannas,(around 6-7 people) many people had to use t-shirts which resulted in looking like people were wearing doo-rags. This caused many people to instead call this "Gangster Day" which oddly enough "gangster" was a very oftenly used term by Edwin and Andrew and that Edwin was called by people who didn't know him "That gangster Asian" although Edwin repeatedly said he'd rather not be called that.

2007.1 -- The Hott Wall

In 2005.1, the hott wall 1 was created by two girls Audrey Kohler and Rachel Dentinger in their room, as a bonding experience after buying corny magazines in CVS during first town trip. In 2006.1, they were conveniently roommates again, by coincidence, and they decided to create the hott wall 2. In 2007.1, the girls were not roommates, so they decided to bring the hott wall 3 in the hallway. Their superawesome RA Erika AKA E did not exactly get permission from evil Tim, but she looked the other way when her entire hall and then some of Jae's girls came to build it. Pictures got put into the slide show and the Howe girls were all quiteeee familiar with it. 2008.1, Hott Wall 4 was constructed in Shira's hall, and the idea to start it was mostly Miryam Coppersmith's. It was quite large and epic, but a certain hall that shall not be named started their own, much smaller hott wall, and actually stole a few pictures from the original wall. These pictures were eventually returned. Unfortunately, the Hott Wall was not as well publicised as its predecessor. 2009.1: Shall the Hott Wall continue?

I think the Hott Wall is an awesome tradition and it will be kept alive, if I can help it. For nevermores, the hot doesn't end at CTY. My sister's college dorm has a kick-ass hot wall, so I encourage you to spread the Hot! Respect the wall, love the wall- Miryam

2007.2 -- LOUIS!

In the Comp Sci class was a CTY-er known as "Louis". During a session of the "Penis game", Louis was mistakenly used by Bill Landis instead of penis. Thus, the Louis game was born, with people shouting "LOUIS" at random intervals. Then Lucas Lin had the idea to shout "LOUIS!" at midnight on the last wednesday. Word was spread throughout Wilmarth and even Rounds, and at the stroke of midnight, Louis began. It started on the 2nd floor, but the resounding echo spread throughout all of Wilmarth and others follow. Even the people living in Howe and Rounds yelled "LOUIS!", as it could be heard from the Wilmarth dorm. Subsequently, Jack Reeves, the Comp Sci RA walked into the hall and yelled, "What the DICKENS do you think you're doing?" (Jack, being a model RA, was careful never to use profanity within earshot of campers). This final massive-scale Louis game caused the Louis game to be officially banned by the site director, Tim. This deserves place in the hall of fame for sheer Ballsiness. It has been said that this should be a tradition for the years to come.

2007.2 -- KRYP's story

During the talent show KRYP (spelt with a backwards r) a.k.a. Dave, along with some other Nevermores, were presenting the acts. For one act, KRYP was alloted some "creative liberty" so he decided to tell a story. He told a (mostly true) tale about waking up one morning and finding a "crap the size of Danny Devito", which clogged the toilet and caused a pretty big dilemma for Wilmarth hall . This hysterical anecdote went on for about 15 minutes until one of the fed-up RAs turned off Dave's mic from the control booth. But this didn't faze Dave. He just put that one down and picked up the other one. A nevermore named Edison, a fellow MC, came onstage and mimed blowdarting him, telling him to get off. In response, KRYP asked the audience if they wanted him to keep going. The cheers drove Edison offstage. He kept on going until an R.A. came onstage and forcibly told him to get off. Despite the other nevermore's "shame", (Kryp went so overtime that they weren't able to perform any other funny introductions) KRYP's story is sure to be remembered for years to come. Although Tim ( a.k.a Mr. Rogers), the site director, had a complete meltdown because of the massive overuse of the word "crap" and a subtle sexual reference, he never actually put a punishment for KRYP into effect. Alas, for the enraptured Cty-ers, they never did find out how the story ended.... KRYP: Feel free to post a continuation anytime now.

2008.2 -- Vermonster Record

At the Saratoga CTY site, students go on a trip into the lovely town of Saratoga Springs every Sunday. One of the most popular places to go to is Ben & Jerry's, where one can partake in delicious ice cream and other good eats. One of the most daunting challenges at Ben & Jerry's is to eat a "Vermonster". The Vermonster is 20 scoops of ice cream and other goodies, all contained within a bucket. It was a rare occasion to see one of these buckets donned upon the head of a nevermore, as the previous year there had only been two Vermonsters purchased. The nevermores (and those helping) this year smashed the record, with a grand total of NINE Vermonsters purchased and eaten. Two or three of these Vermonsters were not purchased on a town trip however, but that makes the feat all the more impressive. (Use your imagination to figure out how they were acquired) Every person that received a bucket was either a nevermore or a nomore, though one fake bucket ("Fucket") was bought by someone. However, this bucket was taken by Andy Bauer and labeled as fake with a sharpie in many places.

The nine never/nomores that received the buckets were (in alphabetical order):

  • Chris Chen
  • Dave Clemens-Sewall
  • Andrew Cook
  • Bill Landis
  • Christine Maroti
  • Anna Olkovsky
  • Daniel Piao
  • Brian Smiley
  • Larry Zhu

Note that Larry Zhu was lactose intolerant and therefore could not consume dairy products. He still had a spoonful of Vermonster as a symbolic gesture.

2008.2 --- Triple Glowstringing

For the first time in CTY history, Nevermore Brian Smiley (as mentioned above) TRIPLE glowstringed with three glowsticks tied to each string(strang?) during Sandstorm at the last dance. This risky experiment turned out to be epic, and is expected to continue at SAR.09.2, even though Brian Smiley is a Forevermore. His brother Eric is a Onemore, although he may not attend this year.