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Hello!! I'm Keri and I am a CTYer at Lancaster and a babyCTY alum from Chestertown. Feel free to friend me on Facebook :))


CHS 13.2: Model UN and Advanced Geography (RA Brittany)

LAN 14.1: Latin I (RA Caitlin, South Ben)

LAN 15.2: Cognitive Psychology - A (RA Brianna/Allison, Schnader)

LAN 16.1: Astrophysics

probably LAN 17.1 but parents



Baltimoron born and bred : - )

~egg is sweg~

I was one of the first 10 members of the Unpause at 14.1 (though I didn't get the chance to sign the roster; I was Kambodia)

victim of the Schnade 2k15

Sienna is my Favorite Egg™ ((SOCK SQUAD 2K16.1))

I love musical theatre, music in general, and everything that has to do with space, and I like to think that I know a lot about CTY tradition so feel free to come talk to me about anything!!! you'll be able to find me in the alcove, probably chugging schnaderade :)