Hi! My name is Eric Fan and I live in New Jersey (it doesn't suck, as long as you're not in an urban area). I am 14 years old and a rising freshman, and I have been part of CTY for two years (three sessions) so far:
Site: Carlisle
RA: Peter
Course: Mathematics of Money
Instructor: David
TA: Brianna
Site: Bristol
RA: Sam
Course: Fundamentals of Computer Science
Instructor: Mr. Chissoe
TA: Isabel
Site: Lancaster
RA: Marcus
Course: Data Structures and Algorithms
Instructor: Mr. Sea
TA: David
My least-favorite part of CTY is classes (which are inevitable) while my favorite parts are American Pie and buying stuff without my parents knowing. For this reason, out of the three sites I have been to, I like Lancaster the most. Turkey Hill and, more importantly, CVS, are both very close, so I was able to go to CVS on 7/22/2023 and spend $15 on a six-pack of Evian water and another $5 on a 1.5L bottle of Fiji water. My parents would never let me do that at home, even though Fiji and Evian do taste better than most other brands. Yes, water can taste different, get over it. Here is my personal bottled water brand tier list:
S: Fiji
A: Evian
B: Poland Spring, Deer Park, LifeWTR
C: Nestle Pure Life, Aquafina, Dasani
I also love saying slurs like the n-word, the f slur and the K word!. :D