Adam Roush

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Adam Roush is an extremely well-known and well-loved RA at Lancaster. Having gone to eight sessions of CTY as a student and eight as an RA. In 2008, Adam received a change of position and was briefly SRA.

Adam is rarely referred to as Adam Roach and a few other similarly "creative" nick names. Normally he is referred to as Adam, Roush, or Adam Roush, and he will be referred to thusly in this article.

He is best known as the RA of First Dietz, a one-year hall in 2004 that nonetheless has a large following to this day. Indeed, he was the catalyst for the creation of the ever-popular "Tunak Tunak Tun" dance. Speaking of dances, he has (in the past few years) provided input for the Rocky Horror Picture Show tribute that takes place at the Second Saturday dance each year.

Roush is renowned for his prowess in the fields of banjo (as well as many other instruments, most with strings) and MC-ing, specifically in comparison to his evil, evil foil, the Student Talent Show MC. Adam also has mystical and superhuman powers. Indeed, at the Second Friday dance at 06.2, he broke up a group of girls who were inappropriately dancing (a.k.a. grinding train)... with his mind. He is also well-known for preemptive finger wagging towards innocent girls with pure intentions who would never even THINK of breaking any PDA rules. He was, understandably, the nemesis of User:Nixon.

The man is intense. -Unknown

He was also one of the inventors of Greg Ball, a game played a few times in 2005.1 involving the yellow ball known as "Greg" and his cane.

In 2006.1, Adam also introduced his hall, on Fourth Thomas, to the Eurovision 2006 contest via YouTube videos displayed on his laptop. The song "Hard Rock Hallelujah" by the Finnish band Lordi became a favorite; at that session's Karaoke Night, he, along with several of his students, created masks and imaginary musical instruments and performed the song in front of the unsuspecting crowd. Some of the students on the hall had their musical tastes forever changed by that incident.

In one activity (Pretentious Coffee House) Greg wrote a poem:

What is pretentious?
Adam Roush

In 2008.1 he became the SRA head of Schnader Hall. He was known during this year for his very theatrical all-Schnader meetings on the steps of his building. During which time he would dress up in military attire and address the hall in a loud booming voice. In his heroically awesome speeches of the greatness of "Mother Schnader" he made sure that his building was the best because the other rival male SRA was Frank Wang. Sadly, he left before the end of second session for unnoted personal reasons. He is assumed to be retired from CTY.

Actually, he plans to return, and likely as instructional staff. He needed some break time, and is not sure when that will end. He has certainly not forgot the denizens of CTY Lancaster, and cannot stay apart from them forever. He also finds it a wonderfully pretentious exercise to type in the third person.