Hall of Fame:BRI

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RainbowGhettoFabulous Day

Throughout 2003 and 2004, session 2, at the CTY site in Bristol, RI (at Roger Williams University) a phenomenal holiday entitled RainbowGhettoFabulous Day has taken place. This holiday was first created by Ally. Methods for celebration include mostly wearing extremely colorful clothing, possibly including coloring your hair with rainbow markers, along with occasionally shouting "I love you!" to another random CTY-er (or non-CTY-er, if you really want to confuse people), giving hugs, wishing people a Happy RainbowGhettoFabulous Day and smiling. Its purpose is to spread joy and love to everyone (has nothing to do with gay pride). Eventually, the holiday became such a large part of this site, this session that at the end, when the RAs performed their goodbye performance of "You know you've been at CTY Bristol too long when...," two of the RAs, Jill and Brandon, finished the sentence with "you understand--and celebrate--RainbowGhettoFabulous Day." They were, of course, decked out in colorful clothing, necklaces etc. The holiday now occurs whenever Ally and her friends decide that they need one.

Hello, My name is Ally and I am the founder of rainbowghettofabulous day. Rainbowghettofabulous day was created when in 2001, I witnessed a rainbow. That session was the session of wannabe gangsters, so it was appropriate to yell "hollER" to everyone you met. When I witnessed the rainbow I had achieved an enlightment: Rainbowghettofabulous. This holiday is intended to spread love happiness and joy.Feel it! and don't forget to rock some rainbow toe socks<3

edit: the whole bristol site is full of wannabe gangsters. its sortof a thing theyve got going there.

edit: rainbowghettofabulous day has not been celebrated for quite some time, though there are plans to attempt to bring it back during the 2009.1 session.


Jennifer Stolz

Both sessions at the 2009 Bristol campus, a legenday RA reigned as queen of evil. Jen Stolz was possibly the most unliked person in the history of CTY, amongst students and staff alike. In session 2, two halls, Ali's and Blake's, reached the required amount of money to pie an RA of their choice (which was a considerably major achievement). Many halls supported this "movement," which was clearly seen when five students, Emily, Joe, Aj, Bethia, and Ian , constantly went around during Casino Night asking for donations and doing crazy dares to achieve this goal. Based on observations, many students willingly gave them money to see Jen get pied. Both halls named Jen as their first choice and were disappointed to find that she had complained to the Dean of Residential Life that she would under no circumstances agree to be pied. Both halls were forced to pick other RAs. During the talent show, Ali's hall's representative, Emily, came up to the stage to pie Jay Ben. She yelled in to the microphone, "This is for Jen!" and pied herself to bursts of cheers throughout the gym. Jen can also be remembered for her unwillingness to get wet/have fun on Water Day, her threats (really) to lanyard-swingers, and her mustache.