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About Me

Hey, I’m Ceci and I’m going to be your 19.1 Stripper and 19.2 Co-King James. I’m pretty excited for next year and I look forward to seeing everyone. You can probably find me sitting in the alcove, raving, or stealing the gaystick. During session 2, come find me to get glowsticks and learn how to rave! Feel free to talk to me anytime, even if I don’t know you; I love meeting new people.

Squirrel Parent: Nathan Burke

Squirrel Children: Sam Fu and Caroline Huber

Courses and Sites

15.2 - CHS - Examining the Evidence B (baby cty)

16.2 - LAN - Introduction to Biomedical Science A (Clarisavel’s Hall)

17.2 - LAN - Paleobiology (Emma’s Hall)

18.1 - LAN - Number Theory A (Megan’s Hall)

18.2 - LAN - Neuroscience B (Esmeralda’a Hall)

19.1 - LAN - Topology (Kaitlyn’s Hall)

19.2 - LAN - Cryptology C (Adeola’s Hall)


Hey everyone, I’m Ceci and I was your stripper this year. Since receiving this skirt, I’ve kept it by my bedside every night, and it’s served as a reminder of my friends and home. I’m so honored to have had the opportunity to lead rocky this session. I would like to thank all of you who participated, and also SRA Cayla for helping me with all of the planning as activity coordination. It wouldn’t have been possible without her. I hope everyone enjoyed the performance this year, and if you didn’t, I’m sure you will next year. I’m so happy to announce your 20.1 stripper, Julia.

So. Here goes... I’ve been going to CTY for 5 years now and honestly it’s hard to imagine a summer without it. I first came to Lancaster in 16.2, and I was incredibly squirrelly, I remember sitting in the corner at dances and playing Minecraft pocket edition. I was somewhat interested in tradition, but I wasn’t sure where to start or who to ask. I went to 17.2 and it kinda passed me by. After that summer, I decided to double session, and I came to 18.1 confused and knowing nobody. Somehow, I found my self in the center of tradition. I made friends with those who upheld it, and was encouraged to participate in everything. And I had fun. I enjoyed feeling like I was a part of something bigger than just me. But honestly, I’m kind of ok with leaving it behind. I know that the people we’ve chosen will do great and I’m sure that the onemores will carry on tradition. I know that I’m still gonna be able to see most of my friends. And maybe even for longer, unsupervised periods of time. But even so, it’s hard to leave. It hasn’t quite hit me yet that I’m not coming back, maybe it’s cause I have another session, maybe I’m just a master procrastinator, honestly, I don’t know. The only thing I really know right now is that I love all of you. Thank you to everyone who has made my time here the best it could be. Thank you to Sam, for being the best friend I could ask for, to Nathan, for adopting me, even if it was really late, to Lindsey, the love of my life (especially in the presence of fuckboys) to Bella, for dealing with my constant need for affection every break, and so many more friends that I don’t have enough time to mention. I’d like to end my speech with some advice for specific groups .To the squirrels and anyone curious about tradition- ASK! Most CTYers will go on and on explaining everything to you, maybe even to an extreme. To the future position holders, don’t waste your session focusing solely on your responsibility, I mean, still do your job, but allow yourself to have fun and enjoy your nomore year. And get sleep (@naiman). Basically, let yourself get involved in some of the weird traditions, but don’t let them define your session. I guess I’m pretty much done here so, I like you, I love you, I CTY you. I love CTY and I love the Passionfruit. *big sip of big boi water*


Guess whooooo~

hint: it's your favourite hall mate who wasn't in your class

  • gasm* -Singed Ass 2k19

You know there's an extra condom in the Jester jacket...

Love you but I'm going to steal the Gay stick back every time!! ❤️🌈

Ceci you’re a living legend and I love you

Oh look it's Ceci "9-beat" Skinner-Grant

Hey kiddo, I miss you loads and I’m always in your corner. Love, Dad.

You are going to be such an amazing strippyboi and kingyboi, and I love you. Adopting squirrel kids with you and messing up the family tree even more is going to be a blast! -spookyboi

Skinner-Grant, the light of my life, the yin to my yang, the yee to my haw. You knock my socks off ;)

Hello miss u <3