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I live my life like it's the last day, always be positive, and you're on top of the world. I currently attend school at St. George's, and I am the captain of Wayland Swim Team. I enjoy challenges and love sports. I currently focus on parkouring, swimming, snowboarding, longboarding, jiu jitsu, MMA, and climbing. I have a passion for giving speeches, and arguing for a cause. I attend many Model United Nations conferences all over the world and do debating within my province. I believe we can change the world one little push at a time, so start doing your share! :)

JHU 2010 Session 2 was quite some fun. Facebook-find me for all the amazing stuff. Facebook Link

JHU 2011 Session 2 was amazing. I love Logic, Mary, and Passionfruit. ;) "*cough* and Danna *cough*" -Danna (Not approved of by Kevin. Or his minions. Not even the lunch lady.) It has Danna's approval which is obviously the most important. :P (But this needs Kevin's approval to be awesome!)

I'm Kevin, and I like BOOBIES! I also feel up girls who are not my girlfriend, especially during gr-orgies. My favorite activity is bursting hymens. I steamroll people in debate, not to mention suck up like a lollipop! I carry fuzzy diseases with me. In the future, I will probably be a rapist. :D


2010.JHU.Session2 Law & Politics in US History (LAWP)
Teacher: Mark
TA: Sarah
RA: Eric
Member of Team Jacob's Housekeeping and team orange :)

Logic: Principles of Reasoning (LOGC)
Teacher: Bill
TA: Meica
RA: Chris

Captain of Team Jacob's Housekeeping: Tourney winner and champion of Staff v Student Ultiamte Game!

== I love CTY I love Passionfruit :) ==

American Pie is not fun when not at CTY ~ ciao!

~Kevin Lee


:P lol this be eileen. otherwise known as ellie.


lawp. ♥ STOP! TURNAROUND! BENDOVERRR!!!! ♥ moto che forever. I will bring that into LAN when I go, sorry that I can't go to JHU this yr ;P anywayzzzzz... 'kaythanksbye :D


Hey Eileen, no more JHU for you? Jacob's HAUUUUUUSEKEEEPING will be continued by me and my buddy Frank, since the New York gang is going to Carlisle. :(

-Kevin :)

24/7 Kevin!!!! I hope your having fun in Vancouver. -Danna


Hi Danna! I miss you, Vancouver is amazing, but not as amazing as this session!


I already miss pavement orgies...even though we only had one... and fishnets... and being corrupted.-Danna


I miss the pavement orgy as well! And those fishnets, well they turn me on :)


Kevin, everything turns you on. That's why your 24/7 Kevin. That is also why we love you. <3


Strawberry Avalanches do NOT turn me on. But you do. Come over here babe. <3


Sounds yummy <3


You're yummy. <3

Awww <3. You are, too.

Erin dearly misses the bonerlicious Kevin and his lack of control over it. His horniness is not to be easily forgotten. Also, Kevin has a vagina. That is all.


Kevin misses the bootylicious Erin and her lack of expression when guys get in her pants. Also, Erin likes being touched. That is all.


Kevin is hawt. No one can replace his awkward walkaway/skipaways, swagalicious fashion sense, CTY-i-ness, and permanent preoccupation during class.


Erin is curvy. No one can replace her footsie techniques, self-defense-against-rape techniques, and a perfect Logic score.


Let it henceforth be known that the nasty has been committed in the JHU Fresh Food Cafe. Twice. It happened in the middle section, so eat on the outside edges of the Cafe. A new tradition has been established for JHU.12. It is called "Find The Crusty Cafeteria Jizz"! Bye bye, BLAMMO.

[reply 5]

Erin, I know you eat there, but my life goal starting from now is to eat SOMEONE out in that cafeteria. ;) I'm committed.


Why not just make it sex? ("Agreed".-Danna)


FRUIT SEX! Yummy. Delish.