User:Entymologies Bug

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uh... hi.

I was a squirrel at LAN.07.1 which makes me... still a squirrel now? and... wait, if I'm not going back this year, would I be a twomore this summer or just a squirrel again? or neither? or both? or just not a CTYer? god, that's a fate i don't want to consider. but I'm not going back this year, so... yeah... ;__;

Bring on the depression. Now would be a great time to schedule a Mono Table reunion... but nobody knows who we are, haha.

Mono Table = the table of people who mixed tomato soup, gatorade, and jello one day and drank it. The table which had most of the Etymologies class and their hallmates. Perhaps best known as the table that had people arrive so early that on the day that one dining room was closed during 07.1, we got to sit at our normal table in a completely deserted room because there was nowhere else to sit and we'd beaten the custodians at F&M to it. Only God knows if we'll ever get enough people together again, and if the others will manage to recruit enough squirrels to keep us a tradition... but he's not telling. That would be far too convenient.

I took the BabyCTY course Middle Ages in Bethlehem 06.1 And Etymologies for the aforementioned squirrel year.

My username is a reference to the fact that people often confuse Etymologies with Entymologies, the study of bugs. I also brought that giant stuffed grasshopper to study hall. I walked around with it alot at Quad time, so if you actually saw me... wow. That makes me famous. I am not, however, a great fan of bugs. The awesomest real bug I have seen was the moth that stalked Sir Joe. And stalking is... well...

My non-current occupation. (That's right, I gave it up... I'll pick up stalking again when someone thinks to include me in one of the massive games of blammo that is sure to go on at the high school next year.) This is because I spent the entire session (all 3 weeks of it! From the first Sunday to the last Friday Thursday. is that a record?) staring openly at a certain person whenever I could. I eventually started calling this "stalking" because it seemed like something a true red-blooded CTYer would do, and hey; it made the whole thing sound pretty darn important. Pretty soon, most of the people I sat with at lunch knew about it, as well as my RA's. (They didn't really care that much, though. I think. "You're stalking someone? What's his name?" "so you can tip him off? no thanks." "nooo... so I can tip his RA off and set you two up at the dance!". And tempting as that sounded...)

I was, if you haven't figured out by now, a failure minorly... unsuccessful... overenthusiast (?) of a stalker. I think my crowning achievement was when someone asked me where my stalkee was, and he was walking roughly 6 feet away. I'll always remember that... If he doesn't know I was stalking him, that's totally due to his lack of observational skillz and I won't tell him by telling you all who he is. I've probably told everyone who actually needs to know anyway, and told him at least five times during camp, though never directly.

Maybe I'll find the guts to tell him if I ever see him again. Though it is more likely that he will randomly find me one day and ask, "hey, were you stalking me?"

If you're offended by my use of heinous pronouns, sorry. I won't give my name here, or anyone else's though chances are if you care you already know or have the means of finding me. *coughyearbookcough* I'm paranoid of internet stalkers, you see. And believe me, if anyone should know how easy it is to stalk people, it's me.

erm... in other news... I just finished reading the More Than Complete Hitchhiker's Guide. :D