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Hello, there. I'm Matisse. Ī like asparagus and math and philosophy. Sometimes I get existential after reading short stories. Sometimes problem-solving fills me with joy. I'd love to talk to you if you like math or philosophy or CTY (or asparagus).

I was one of the four founding members of The Unpause 14.1. I was also the girl with the "SMILING IS SIN" sign and the handmade Queen of Hearts dress (that is, the dress on which about six hundred cards were handsewn that I wore on Halloween and lent to Nico Vallone for Second Saturday).

  • LAN.13.2.LOGC.B
  • LAN.14.1.THEO.A
  • LAN.14.2.CHEM.A

I was a potential five year freak, a nevermore, and/or a two year tragedy. Read: I was eligible for five years of CTY and didn't come the first year, I was a 13 year old squirrel the summer before my freshman year. I loved CTY so much that I double-sessioned the next year, in full knowledge that I was a nevermore because I wanted to go to math camp. It's sort of silly, actually--I didn't want to outgrow CTY. I obsessed over CTY all through my freshman year; I didn't want it to ever get old. That's essentially why I left: so that I can call myself ā forevermore. It was a good decision, in the end; LAN.14.1 was literally a perfect session, and there's no need to try to top it.

Tumblr: Facebook: you can find me pretty easily, as there aren't an awful lot of CTY-going Matisse's running about.

Do come talk to me if you're interested in CTY history or tradition, interesting mathematics, or philosophy; or if you'd like to tell anecdotes or groan-worthy puns. Especially a possible note to a CTYer of the future: come talk to me about your conceptions about the Alcove.