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Revision as of 15:51, 26 August 2006 by Izzlefree (talk | contribs) (→‎Pages)
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My name is Siri Maley. I have no nicknames that I know of or wish to share. sorry. However, for those who don't know, my screen name is derived from the theme and title of the LAN.05.2 Alcove t-shirt.

I'm currently a onemore and horribly depressed about it. I was an fringe [[Alcove| Alcovian] in LAN.05.2 for no real reason, but other than that, I contend myself with loosing the game. I'm friends with Max Wang even before he truely found his camera (yes, there was a day. just one.) as well as the first nonymous Lore Keeper (yes, that friend).


Mind.LAN.05.2 with notable characters such as Beans, Marley, Rachel, Iggy, Acid, Charles, and Max
ChemA.LAN.06.2 with not quite as many


Lore Keeper
Essay Comments (big achievment there)
Added the 06.2 Afterdance songs
Updated Blammo for LAN.06.2
Perpetual Machine
edited Coure:MIND to include LAN.05.2 Others I may of may not eventually remember.

Traditions are the best things ever in the history of ever, and you will always be a forevermore.