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I'm Clare, and here are my years at CTY (known by my session as Ceriously Talented Youth).

SAR.04.1 Crafting the Essay SAR.05.1 Pop Culture SAR.06.1 Crafting of Fiction I'm way too lazy to look up course codes.

You probably don't remember me because I spent most of my time at CTY playing Hearts. Hearts is only a four person game.

But I am married to Bex. Granted, so is half the world, but I'm the only one he had *cougheight* children with. We squished Tater good.

My claim to fame, however, is the invention of the Synergy Dance along with Ashley Stubbs. We were later assisted by Derek Huang as we needed a third person. Three circles/spheres, three people, you get the picture. I was also honored enough to give the Nevermore address at the Writing Closing Ceremony, and by doing so I accomplished the intense pissing off of all the instructors who taught Fiction prerequisites.

I got floor burn from Istanbul. I still have the scars.

And that was my CTY experience. In a nutshell, so to speak.