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Hi! I'm Melissa. I don't really know what to put here, but talk to me, because you're probably a CTYer, so I love you and I want to get to know you. Here's my site history, in case you want to know or something.
SHD.07.1 Heroes&Villains (Rocky 2, RA Jackie)
SHD.08.2 Examining the Evidence (Rocky 4(?), RA Kristen)
LAN.09.1 Cryptology (Schnader 3, RA Audrey)
SAR.10.2 International Politics (Howe 3, RA Julie (but really Howe 2, RA Shira))
SAR.11.2 Philosophy of Mind (Rounds 3, RA Alexa)
LAN.12.1 Ancient Greek (North Ben 3, RA Melissa)
SAR.12.2 Chemistry (Penfield 3, RA Courtney)