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The Emperor is the only position that exists at more than one site. It is also among the oldest traditions. The Emperor (or Empress) is the person who traditionally presides over the Passionfruit, and is usually quite knowledgable about tradition.


At first session Carlisle there are plastic Crowns for the Emporer and Empress, however the male crown became lost (left in Taiwan?). At second session there are Handmade crowns for Emporer and Empress. The role at Carlisle is to act as sort of student administrators, for instance when there was a conflict about Goth day, the Empress was the final word. They also run passionfruit, deciding on de-virginizations and the like.

First Session:
Second Session: Owen Gentry and Pammy Woodward

First Session:
Second Session:

First Session:
Second Session: Laura and ???

First Session:
Second Session: Annie and George

First Session: Franklyn and Nabil
Second Session: Ben and Tini

First Session: Ali G. and Matt Carroll
Second Session: McKenzie Hull and Holly Murray

First Session: Kimmi and Clara
Second Session: Mike Schumacher and Jackie Mora

First Session: Max and Chris
Second Session: Rachel and Allie


Emperor/Empress is the person who does the first speech at Passionfruit. There can be more than one; for example, in 06.2 there were two, and at 05.2 there were four (two males and two females, in reference to The Chronicles of Narnia).

First Session: ?
Second Session: Jon Rin and ?

First Session: Michael Mishkin and ?
Second Session: ?

First Session: Elspeth (Beth) Kursh and Tom Weingarten
Second Session: Rose Ginsberg and Daniel Vitolo

First Session: Ken Levin and Chelsea Seachord
Second Session: Kayla Armstrong and Deb Streusand

First Session: Maura Spiegelman and "The Original" Andy Bartholomew
Second Session: Belle Saxton and Andy "UnAndy" Schlesinger

First Session: Natalie Bau and Tim Hwang
Second Session: Maddie Morrison, Tom "Lord of Lemmings" Wilson, and Jai Dhyani

First Session: Liz and Dave
Second Session:

First Session: Alyssa Gottschlich
Second Session: Will Colmer, David "Pickle" Kotsonis , Marley Teter, Nikka Rosenstein

First Session: Alexa "Lexxie" Kottmeyer and Aliza Alperin-Sheriff
Second Session: Alexander James Maestro Quinones Leroy Bangs AKA QB, Colin Mahaffey

First Session: See below.
Second Session: Alexa Fredston-Hermann and Julia "Juice" Revzin


The Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are referenced in Don McLean's song American Pie in the verse:

"And the three men I admire most
The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died."

In LAN.07.1, three holy grails (i.e., mugs) were purchased at Turkey Hill by Zev Hurwich, Tina Ritter, and Orly Michaeli (with site director Brian's money, which is actually CTY's). These mugs were given to three people, creating three new positions to run the Passionfruit. They also have duties to perform at The Last Supper. This occurred because the three were already going to share the title of Emperor. The grails also have quotes on them from the initial Trinity (and adding to them is encouraged so long as there is room left for a little more). On the Grail of the Father is written "If you don't all get Mono you didn't do it right" The irony of this is that shortly after 07.1 a letter went out warning parents that someone at Passionfruit had walking pneumonia.

Note: The Holy Grail of the Son was written on with faulty Sharpie, and has eventually worn off. Dan Salvato has re-written the song text and secured it with Scotch tape, and will write a new quote at the top of the Grail. For reference purposes, the old quote was "You, sir, have FOUND the saltine!"

  • The Father stands for knowledge and the wisdom gained by all here at CTY.
  • The Son stands for the crazy creativity here at CTY, and for the differences in each and every one of us.
  • The Holy Ghost stands for all the traditions at CTY, and will always stand to keep them around.

The passing down of these mugs happens directly after the speeches of the Holy Trinity, and is always passed down from a nomore to a onemore.

Holders of the Grails

File:N511311922 189948 6206.jpg
The original trinity and the buying of the grails. Left to right: Orly Michaeli, Zev Hurwich, Tina Ritter

Father: Zev Hurwich
Son: Tina Ritter
Holy Ghost: Orly Michaeli

Father: Caroline Murchison
Son: Dan Salvato
Holy Ghost: Patricia Koch

Saratoga Springs

These are the Emperors and Empresses listed by year of reign. Two emperors and two empresses are crowned each session just to make sure at least one comes back the following year. This tradition began in 2005 when Riley O'Neill was the only one to return of four royalty chosen. It was passed down to session 2 when David "Bex" Becker and Lina Huo (first session emperor/esses) attended the second session passionfruit of 2006 and told Youngin Lim to pick four, just in case.

Session 1:
Keane Tzong, Julia Wagner, Claire Kelley, Alex Micciche Session 2: Nick Fabiani, Stacy Toesland

Session 1: Riley O'Neill
Session 2: Youngin Lim, Zemelia Miller

Session 1: David "Bex" Becker, Jay Margherio, Charlotte Coates, Lina Huo
Session 2: Primary: Edison Huff, Stef Siller Secondary: Mike Feblowitz, Hilary (the lovely) Ludlow

Session 1: Gage Wright, Zach Gerstein, Neha Srivastava, Liv Stillman
Session 2: Bill Landis, David Clemens-Sewall, Christine Maroti, Gaby Garbasz