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Hello kind sir and/or madam

I go by many names, as many people know. for the here and now, you can call me Reggie.

I thank you very much for dropping by and gracing this humble page with your presence. If only there were more people like you, the world will be a better place.

You may or may not know me as a boy who has rather long red hair. I pretty much always wear a monochrome shirt, sometimes collared, sometimes not. I am an active member of the Cult of Godzilla.

I attended CTY Carlisle at the following sessions: 04.2 - Crafting the Essay 05.2 - Music Theory 06.1 - Existentialism 06.2 - Chemistry 07.2 - Philosophy of Mind 08.2 - Physics

I am a nomore, but plan on applying to be an RA in two years' time.

im probably boring you, so good bye and good luck in whatever path you may choose.
may all your potatoes be HUB
may all your planes be snake-free
may all your fruits be passionfruits
may all your couches be crammed with people
and may you be happy having ever gone to cty

amen brotha
Paulkimpaul 15:55, 30 August 2006 (MST)

Sharon adds: Reggie has three little brothers: the annoying one, the annoying but cute one, and the devil. He lives in a Clockwork Orange and looks damn good in a duct tape corset.

Goldfish comments: Veggie is...odd, to say the least. He has a capability to be quite sweet at times, which unfortunately is blended with the tendencies towards not being able to control his hormones, and a horrid amount of bluntness. He's incredibly bad at taking advice, but isn't all that exciting to talk to. But he's a wonderful listener, a great friend, and a bit too nice for his own good.