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How does one even edit the box? - [[User:Zeliec|Zelie]]
How does one even edit the box? - [[User:Zeliec|Zelie]]
== Farewell Lancaster 24.1 and 24.2 ==
== Farewell Lancaster  ==
Where do I even begin? October 18, 2023, is the day the music died. It is the day, we, all found out that Lancaster would be canceled as a site for 2024. This is unfortunate and heartbreaking but all we can do is make the best of this situation. I myself have been going to Lancaster Session 2 for the past two summers now, and I miss it dearly. I have so much to say and I hope you do too. My grandma always says the best way to keep the memory alive of someone, or something, is to talk about what they did during their lifetime. So share your thoughts, questions, memories, concerns, goals, exclamations, etc. about the honorable site in the discussion here. - [[User: DinaB-612 | Dina Black]]
Where do I even begin? October 18, 2023, is the day the music died. It is the day, we, all found out that Lancaster would be canceled as a site for 2024. This is unfortunate and heartbreaking but all we can do is make the best of this situation. I myself have been going to Lancaster Session 2 for the past two summers now, and I miss it dearly. I have so much to say and I hope you do too. My grandma always says the best way to keep the memory alive of someone, or something, is to talk about what they did during their lifetime. So share your thoughts, questions, memories, concerns, goals, exclamations, etc. about the honorable site in the discussion here. - [[User: DinaB-612 | Dina Black]]
This will be the CTY renaissance. It's a new beginning full of sadness, but a new beginning nonetheless. Stay strong, everyone. We'll get through this.
This will be the CTY renaissance. It's a new beginning full of sadness, but a new beginning nonetheless. Stay strong, everyone. We'll get through this. I will not be the last Jester.
I like you, I love you, I CTY you. And I love Lancaster.
I like you, I love you, I CTY you. And I love Lancaster.
[[User:Harper The Grear| Harper]]
I may be very new to the CTY scene as I first came in 23.1, but Lancaster holds a very special place in my heart, and I am deeply saddened by the news. The friends and memories I have learned here, as well as the things I’ve learned, are all amazing and will continue even now that Lancaster is defunct. The late-night binge-reading this site, learning to rave, scremaing at dances, freaking out about random things—it was all incredible. I’m thinking of goimg to Carlisle, and if anyone is interested, maybe it would be cool to come over to PA a day earlu to take a college tour of Franklin and Marshall, reminisce, go to the farmers market, explore Lancaster, etc. (obviously it’s very early but still!) I like you, I love you, I CTY you, I love CTY, and I love the passionfruit. - [[User: rayofsunshine | Ray Yang ]]
I may be very new to the CTY scene as I first came in 23.1, but Lancaster holds a very special place in my heart, and I am deeply saddened by the news. The friends and memories I have learned here, as well as the things I’ve learned, are all amazing and will continue even now that Lancaster is defunct. The late-night binge-reading this site, learning to rave, scremaing at dances, freaking out about random things—it was all incredible. I’m thinking of goimg to Carlisle, and if anyone is interested, maybe it would be cool to come over to PA a day earlu to take a college tour of Franklin and Marshall, reminisce, go to the farmers market, explore Lancaster, etc. (obviously it’s very early but still!) I like you, I love you, I CTY you, I love CTY, and I love the passionfruit. - [[User: rayofsunshine | Ray Yang ]]
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and of course,
and of course,
i cty you.
i cty you.
good luck and all my love, sophia (someone link my profile or smth i am so freaking lazy pls and thank u)
good luck and all my love, [[User:IrisDocumentator| sophia ]] (someone link my profile or smth i am so freaking lazy pls and thank u)
When I found out Lancaster wasn't going to be a site in 2024, I'm glad I was at home because I screamed and proceeded to fall to the ground. I have had so many good memories at Lancaster and I've met so many incredible people there that I can't imagine my summers without it. As sad as I am about Lancaster and as much as it was a manifestation of the home and family I've found in CTY, I know that we will all be okay. Nothing will ever be Lancaster and maybe that's a good thing. Let's cherish what we got to do at Lancaster and look forward to what comes next. Because as much as I love the site, as much as I look forwards to tater tots at breakfast and cloudwatching on Hartman Green, it was the people  that made it special and that above all else is what I look forwards to every summer; getting to see all the people that make my CTY experience special. To all the friends I made there, thank you for making CTY an incredible place. Thank you for teaching me how to rave, thank you for teaching me the afterdance chants, thank you for the ISO's. Thank you for everything. To all of 23.2's (and 22.2) position holders, thank you so much for everything and for helping keep tradition post COVID on life support and for trusting 24.2's holders to keep it going. You all have done so much to keep it alive and you did a great job. To all my fellow 24.2 holders, we will have our chance someday to make the changes we wanted. Our efforts will not go to waste. To the site itself, thank you for being an amazing part of my life for the past two years. Thank you for letting me meet some of my closest friends. Thank you for your unpredictable weather, your potatoes in every meal, your farmers market, your CVS, and your Turkey Hill. Lancaster, all of you will forever be in my heart. You've well earned your place. So long, and thanks for all the fish. I like you, I love you, I cty you, I love cty, and I love the passion fruit. I love you all. -[[User:vanesque_| Anastasia Komarow]]
I'm not sure where to even start writing this. I dont think my brain has processed the event yet. I'll write a full speech later. For now, I like you, I love you, I CTY you, I love cty, I love the passion fruit, and thanks for all the fish -[[User:TheBetterEli | Eli(zabeth) Soldatenkov]], Caution Tape Cape Wearer
"The players tried to take the field, the marching band refused to yield…" Long Live Lancaster. Even though I never got the chance to go to Lancaster, I've been in love with this site and its culture for years and I'm wishing you all the best with rebuilding your community. I'm definitely not alone, you guys have a lot of friends from your sister sites. With that said, if any CTYer is reading this right now, I'd urge you to do anything you can to support the Lancastrians with their preservation efforts. Doesn't matter who you are or where you're from. Reach out to the Lan monarchs, I'm sure they'll appreciate any help and support they can get. And hey, if you guys need anything from me or any other JHU monarchs, we'll do our damned best. We know resilience and sh*tty admin better than anyone else and protect a tradition ''built'' on preservation. Best of luck once again. We're all routing for you. – [[User:Switch 1166057|Switch]]
I do not know what to say. Lancaster was my home for three weeks for two summers in a row. Franklin and Marshall College and the people there were part of why I returned. I love the Schnader dorms and the cafeteria. I don't know what I'll do when July comes again and I won't have soggy, oily tater tots for breakfast. I learned so much my first year and learned even more the second time around. About myself, about others, about how the world turns. I grew from my experiences at Lancaster and it will always be my second home. I never did get to go inside KIVO. I have met some of my closest friends at Lancaster, the friends I know will be life-long. Next year will not be the same, but that is a good thing. As long as I get to scream American Pie at the top of my lungs with some of my best friends by my side, I will be more than content. July will come and pass, and we will be elsewhere. Shoutout to my co-blammo god, the forevermores, my classmates, position holders old and new, roommates, and hallmates: you all have changed me forever and for the better.  Goodbye, Lancaster. Goodbye, Hartman Green. Goodbye, the Quad. Goodbye, Passionfruit Square. Goodbye, Farmers Market. Goodbye, Turkey Hill. Goodbye, Vending machines we weren't allowed to use. Goodbye, nice sandwich bar lady from 22.2. Goodbye, cloudwatching, my favorite activity to do in the world because it was on Hartman and with my friends. I don't know when I will see you next or what is in store for us, but I am at peace with that. I am in fact, excited for something new. Buh-bye, 'till the next time. "i love you" - [[User:DinaB-612|Dina Black]]
Wow. It's the end of an era, in some respects. I was a student at Lancaster for 4 years, and it was the source of some of my fondest memories. It shaped who I was - and who I've become since - so significantly that it's hard to even consider who I would be without it. It took a few years to get there, but eventually I found a sense of community and belonging at CTY which was (at least at that point) unmatched elsewhere in my life. I felt a connection with the people around me, even if I didn't know their names - we were bound together by this weird, wacky, exceptional place. I was home. Returning to Lancaster to (hopefully) help facilitate the continued existence of that community for the next generation of CTYers has been one of the greatest joys - and honors - of my life. Unsurprisingly, my feelings towards CTY are deeply bound to the site itself, and so it's impossible to resist feeling... yeah, good luck finding an accurate word... ''sad'' about the prospect that no lanyards will be present on the quad this summer. I wish this wasn't how things turned out.
...But. It's a difficult thing to say, and a harder one to believe, but on some intellectual level I understand that Lancaster was not special. CTY ''made'' it special through decades of staff and students alike developing a unique, intellectual, nerdy, amazing culture, 3 weeks at a time. And it can do it again. The ''real'' important part - what makes CTY what it is, wherever it is - is the people. And a CTYer is a CTYer, no matter where they end up.
So, to those one/two/threemores who just found their home at Lancaster, only to discover that you won't be returning this year: I'm sorry this happened to you. It won't be emotionally easy, and I don't want to dismiss that. But you can grow a garden anywhere, and I believe that you will make wherever you end up, home. Be yourselves - be kind, be curious, be inclusive, be weird. Do ridiculous things together (yes, most things that have ever been student traditions are ridiculous, and you know it) because they're fun and because, as a group, you want to, and ''not'' because you feel you "have to" -- it's okay to let things go. The rest will follow, in time. "All that remains is to collapse the innumerable possibilities before us."
And for those whose time at CTY is over: be glad that it happened - treasure those memories, and be hopeful for the future of the CTY community that those after you will continue to build, different though it might be. "The past is past, now, but that’s… you know, that’s okay! It’s never really gone completely. The future is always built on the past, even if we won’t get to see it. Still, it’s um, time for something new, now.”
Goodbye for now, LAN. I'll see you in the 'verse. --[[User:Adam|Adam]]
<span style="font-size:75%">Oh shoot, are we going to have to give Zeno directions to another site? I bet it'll take him ''forever'' to get there!</span>

Revision as of 18:20, 6 January 2024

Does anyone ever actually come here?? -Chris

Hi guys. Has anyone noticed lately that the people list is pretty much a mess? It's not in the order that it claims to be, is uneven on both sides, etc. I think possibly a new page for it with one single list is a better idea because it's gotten so enormous. Thoughts? -Faye Hokay guys. I re-organized the names list. It's now in this order: Oldest to youngest by nomore year. In a particular nomore year, all first session nomores come first, and are then ordered by number of sessions, doublesessioning counts toward this. If there are two (or more) people with the same exact year history, they went in alphabetically. So if I made mistakes, feel free to correct them, it was tiring. -Faye

I'm thinkin' that we should take all of the people who aren't users (that is to say shea, christ, rachel, etc.) and put them all on one page, say People:LAN. It would consolidate all of those uncategorized pages into one sheet; furthermore, users could write about the person instead of as the person-- sort of-- i think it's less stalkerish this way, at least. i'll start on this tommorrow if nobody objects. --JW

Nah, whatever. --JW

Everyone on this website is here because they scored well on an SAT. I would like you to please use that knowledge in your writing, as I am sick of being a grammar Nazi. Proper nouns are capitalized. The word "Frisbee" is a brand name, and a proper noun, and it should be capitalized. So should the names of buildings. You may not add extra commas in the middle of a sentence just because you think it looks good. However, you are obligated to place commas after items in a list (not before) if the list contains more than two items. Commas are not necessary after the word "and", they are optional. Their use is recommended between clauses (see last sentence), and mandatory surrounding appositives. I understand that it mistakes happen, that is ok. If you have a run on, it's ok. ("It's" is a contraction, "Its" a possessive). My grammar sucks too. I can deal with honest mistakes, but I shouldn't have to fix lists because someone else was being lazy. Also, you should be aware that Firefox contains automatic spell check. Can everyone please use it?


Question: Could we get a non-sepia toned photo? It is quite depressing to see the arches in sepia and not their full, normal vibrancy.

Gracias, Wes

New Photo

May I suggest using this photo instead? I took it during 2009.2, and I feel it's a lot cheerier than the current kinda-depressing look we have on the article. Yes, there aren't many RAs on here. Usually.

Qz 17:13, 2 December 2009 (PST)

Arches South Ben.JPG

I support this -Nev

The List of Names

Hello everyone. After fixing up the length of the columns of names, I've noticed that around the 2014-2015 names, everyone lists their site as LAN, which is rather redundant, given that we are on the Lancaster page. Furthermore, it just makes the list look so much more convoluted and crowded, and is inconsistent with the rest of the list. I'd be glad to edit all of the entries that have redundant "LAN"s if need be.

--Kiptoke (talk) 21:25, 23 June 2017 (EDT)

Can we remove the user titles and brackets from the names that don't have user pages? If you click on those false links it just takes you to their nonexistent user page... I just think it would look nicer and more organized.

The Box

The side box hasn’t been updated in forever. Brightside is canon now, as is Iris and Anna Sun. The courses list seems out of date as well. Can we get that updated? -Natan

How does one even edit the box? - Zelie

Farewell Lancaster

Where do I even begin? October 18, 2023, is the day the music died. It is the day, we, all found out that Lancaster would be canceled as a site for 2024. This is unfortunate and heartbreaking but all we can do is make the best of this situation. I myself have been going to Lancaster Session 2 for the past two summers now, and I miss it dearly. I have so much to say and I hope you do too. My grandma always says the best way to keep the memory alive of someone, or something, is to talk about what they did during their lifetime. So share your thoughts, questions, memories, concerns, goals, exclamations, etc. about the honorable site in the discussion here. - Dina Black

This will be the CTY renaissance. It's a new beginning full of sadness, but a new beginning nonetheless. Stay strong, everyone. We'll get through this. I will not be the last Jester. I like you, I love you, I CTY you. And I love Lancaster. Love, Harper

I may be very new to the CTY scene as I first came in 23.1, but Lancaster holds a very special place in my heart, and I am deeply saddened by the news. The friends and memories I have learned here, as well as the things I’ve learned, are all amazing and will continue even now that Lancaster is defunct. The late-night binge-reading this site, learning to rave, scremaing at dances, freaking out about random things—it was all incredible. I’m thinking of goimg to Carlisle, and if anyone is interested, maybe it would be cool to come over to PA a day earlu to take a college tour of Franklin and Marshall, reminisce, go to the farmers market, explore Lancaster, etc. (obviously it’s very early but still!) I like you, I love you, I CTY you, I love CTY, and I love the passionfruit. - Ray Yang

i was so incredibly lucky to have two years at lancaster. it brought me so much joy and so many friendships and memories that i will never forget. i can’t listen to certain songs without breaking down because of it. it pains me to know that no one else will be able to have that experience. cty means so much to me but i know that you all will overcome this and find your own home somewhere else. (also wtf am i the last father/jester/irisdocumentator at lan who let that happen). i like you, i love you, and of course, i cty you. good luck and all my love, sophia (someone link my profile or smth i am so freaking lazy pls and thank u)


When I found out Lancaster wasn't going to be a site in 2024, I'm glad I was at home because I screamed and proceeded to fall to the ground. I have had so many good memories at Lancaster and I've met so many incredible people there that I can't imagine my summers without it. As sad as I am about Lancaster and as much as it was a manifestation of the home and family I've found in CTY, I know that we will all be okay. Nothing will ever be Lancaster and maybe that's a good thing. Let's cherish what we got to do at Lancaster and look forward to what comes next. Because as much as I love the site, as much as I look forwards to tater tots at breakfast and cloudwatching on Hartman Green, it was the people that made it special and that above all else is what I look forwards to every summer; getting to see all the people that make my CTY experience special. To all the friends I made there, thank you for making CTY an incredible place. Thank you for teaching me how to rave, thank you for teaching me the afterdance chants, thank you for the ISO's. Thank you for everything. To all of 23.2's (and 22.2) position holders, thank you so much for everything and for helping keep tradition post COVID on life support and for trusting 24.2's holders to keep it going. You all have done so much to keep it alive and you did a great job. To all my fellow 24.2 holders, we will have our chance someday to make the changes we wanted. Our efforts will not go to waste. To the site itself, thank you for being an amazing part of my life for the past two years. Thank you for letting me meet some of my closest friends. Thank you for your unpredictable weather, your potatoes in every meal, your farmers market, your CVS, and your Turkey Hill. Lancaster, all of you will forever be in my heart. You've well earned your place. So long, and thanks for all the fish. I like you, I love you, I cty you, I love cty, and I love the passion fruit. I love you all. - Anastasia Komarow

I'm not sure where to even start writing this. I dont think my brain has processed the event yet. I'll write a full speech later. For now, I like you, I love you, I CTY you, I love cty, I love the passion fruit, and thanks for all the fish - Eli(zabeth) Soldatenkov, Caution Tape Cape Wearer

"The players tried to take the field, the marching band refused to yield…" Long Live Lancaster. Even though I never got the chance to go to Lancaster, I've been in love with this site and its culture for years and I'm wishing you all the best with rebuilding your community. I'm definitely not alone, you guys have a lot of friends from your sister sites. With that said, if any CTYer is reading this right now, I'd urge you to do anything you can to support the Lancastrians with their preservation efforts. Doesn't matter who you are or where you're from. Reach out to the Lan monarchs, I'm sure they'll appreciate any help and support they can get. And hey, if you guys need anything from me or any other JHU monarchs, we'll do our damned best. We know resilience and sh*tty admin better than anyone else and protect a tradition built on preservation. Best of luck once again. We're all routing for you. – Switch

I do not know what to say. Lancaster was my home for three weeks for two summers in a row. Franklin and Marshall College and the people there were part of why I returned. I love the Schnader dorms and the cafeteria. I don't know what I'll do when July comes again and I won't have soggy, oily tater tots for breakfast. I learned so much my first year and learned even more the second time around. About myself, about others, about how the world turns. I grew from my experiences at Lancaster and it will always be my second home. I never did get to go inside KIVO. I have met some of my closest friends at Lancaster, the friends I know will be life-long. Next year will not be the same, but that is a good thing. As long as I get to scream American Pie at the top of my lungs with some of my best friends by my side, I will be more than content. July will come and pass, and we will be elsewhere. Shoutout to my co-blammo god, the forevermores, my classmates, position holders old and new, roommates, and hallmates: you all have changed me forever and for the better. Goodbye, Lancaster. Goodbye, Hartman Green. Goodbye, the Quad. Goodbye, Passionfruit Square. Goodbye, Farmers Market. Goodbye, Turkey Hill. Goodbye, Vending machines we weren't allowed to use. Goodbye, nice sandwich bar lady from 22.2. Goodbye, cloudwatching, my favorite activity to do in the world because it was on Hartman and with my friends. I don't know when I will see you next or what is in store for us, but I am at peace with that. I am in fact, excited for something new. Buh-bye, 'till the next time. "i love you" - Dina Black

Wow. It's the end of an era, in some respects. I was a student at Lancaster for 4 years, and it was the source of some of my fondest memories. It shaped who I was - and who I've become since - so significantly that it's hard to even consider who I would be without it. It took a few years to get there, but eventually I found a sense of community and belonging at CTY which was (at least at that point) unmatched elsewhere in my life. I felt a connection with the people around me, even if I didn't know their names - we were bound together by this weird, wacky, exceptional place. I was home. Returning to Lancaster to (hopefully) help facilitate the continued existence of that community for the next generation of CTYers has been one of the greatest joys - and honors - of my life. Unsurprisingly, my feelings towards CTY are deeply bound to the site itself, and so it's impossible to resist feeling... yeah, good luck finding an accurate word... sad about the prospect that no lanyards will be present on the quad this summer. I wish this wasn't how things turned out.

...But. It's a difficult thing to say, and a harder one to believe, but on some intellectual level I understand that Lancaster was not special. CTY made it special through decades of staff and students alike developing a unique, intellectual, nerdy, amazing culture, 3 weeks at a time. And it can do it again. The real important part - what makes CTY what it is, wherever it is - is the people. And a CTYer is a CTYer, no matter where they end up.

So, to those one/two/threemores who just found their home at Lancaster, only to discover that you won't be returning this year: I'm sorry this happened to you. It won't be emotionally easy, and I don't want to dismiss that. But you can grow a garden anywhere, and I believe that you will make wherever you end up, home. Be yourselves - be kind, be curious, be inclusive, be weird. Do ridiculous things together (yes, most things that have ever been student traditions are ridiculous, and you know it) because they're fun and because, as a group, you want to, and not because you feel you "have to" -- it's okay to let things go. The rest will follow, in time. "All that remains is to collapse the innumerable possibilities before us."

And for those whose time at CTY is over: be glad that it happened - treasure those memories, and be hopeful for the future of the CTY community that those after you will continue to build, different though it might be. "The past is past, now, but that’s… you know, that’s okay! It’s never really gone completely. The future is always built on the past, even if we won’t get to see it. Still, it’s um, time for something new, now.”

Goodbye for now, LAN. I'll see you in the 'verse. --Adam

Oh shoot, are we going to have to give Zeno directions to another site? I bet it'll take him forever to get there!