CTY Withdrawal

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CTY Withdrawal or Post-CTY Depression is a wave of intense sadness felt after leaving CTY. Cases of CTY Withdrawal are worse for nomores and nevermores. Due to the incident-based nature of CTY Withdrawal, it is likely to be medically accepted as a form of minor depression.

After leaving CTY, many miss their CTY friends and experiences. Sometimes, this can last for a few days, a few weeks until school starts again, or until you go back to CTY the next year.

CTY Withdrawal can lead to crying when hearing American Pie or other Canon songs, talking obsessively about CTY to friends from home, and hastily organized end of summer reunions. It is also characterized by the feeling that you should have a lanyard around your neck -- in December (or around your wrist, or hip, or body part of choice).

For certain CTYers, Hug Withdrawal occurs as well. Hugs are often given in greetings and therefore when leaving CTY, you also leave constant hugs. Symptoms include hugging yourself very, very often. Makeout Withdrawal is also possible.

It also involves mass-emailing everyone you knew at CTY, fearing that you will lose touch, and planning crappy reunions no one is able to go to. This has happened many times.

It can also include thinking that you see your CTY friends everywhere you go (including random people you've never met in stores and on the street) and having dreams involving only CTY people and having them morph into your non-CTY friends (and being incredibly disappointed).

People who have attended CTY Carlisle also have Potato Withdrawl and have to deal with the fact that a potato-based dish is no longer served with every meal.

External Links

Post-CTY Depression, the new CTY communications hub, a forum, and a chat