Quad Time

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Quad Time is a timeslot at night after Study Hall during which students can hang out on the quad of their campus. It is also known as Meet Market at some sites and is called Social Time at LMU and Siena.

At Lancaster, Quad Time usually involves a voluntary structured activity that usually has something to do with the current Holiday. It may also be the Quiz Bowl Finals, Monty Python Madness, slideshow picture submissions, or something completely unrelated. Many students go into the lounges in Schnader and North/ South Ben for socialization, or spend time on the Quad playing frisbee, singing, grass orgying, and simply goofing around.

At LMU, after every Social Time, RAs will yell "GO HOME, NOBODY LOVES YOU!!!!" At other sites, this only happens after Dances.

At Skidmore, Quad time is usually devoted to little knots of people talking, frisbee throwing (in lines, circles, or maybe a game of ultimate), grass orgies, and other things(you guess). At the end of the last quad time (3rd Wednesday), the nevermores and nomores go on Case Patio and shout, "GOOD NIGHT, GO HOME, NOBODY LOVES YOU...EXCEPT JON GOOD!" For first sessioners, the dreaded Skidmore Sprinklers (There's two of them) often drenches entire sections of the quad, creating a nuisance for many people and annoying runs to save stray frisbees from the shower of freaking cold water.

At Carlisle, Poetry Night is held every Thursday, and free high-fives are given out.

At Baltimore, Quad time is mainly made up of small groups of people talking outside, throwing frisbees or footballs (especially in circles), hanging out inside the dorms, playing cards, and playing other games. Occasionally, impromptu dances are held with the full speaker system and DJ computers and software from the dances.